Difference: CliUserGuide (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32011-04-20 - MassimoSgaravatto

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META TOPICPARENT name="UserDocumentation"

CEMon CLI User guide

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  • /usr/bin/glite-ce-monitor-subscribe
  • /usr/bin/glite-ce-monitor-subinfo
  • /usr/bin/glite-ce-monitor-subupdate
  • /usr/bin/glite-ce-monitor-pause
  • /usr/bin/glite-ce-monitor-resume
  • /usr/bin/glite-ce-monitor-unsubscribe
  • /usr/bin/glite-ce-monitor-consumer
 whose use is explained in the following sections.

1 Query the CEMon service

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 $ glite-ce-monitor-subupdate --id uuid-1247573738304 --cert /tmp/x509up_u756 --key /tmp/x509up_u756 --consumer-url http://lxsgaravatto.pd.infn.it:8676 --topic CE_MONITOR --dialects ISM_LDIF https://cream-35.pd.infn.it:8443/ce-monitor/services/CEMonitor

0.1 Suspend a notification

glite-ce-monitor-pause is the command to be used to suspend a notification. When a notification is suspended. CEMon doesn't send any event to the relevant CEMon consumer.


glite-ce-monitor-pause [--cert <CERTIFICATE_FILE] [--key <KEY_FILE>] --id <SUBSCRIPTION_ID_TO_PAUSE> <CEMon_URL>

SUBSCRIPTION_ID_TO_PAUSE is the identifier of the CEMon subscription that must be suspended

If the --cert option is not specified, the file referred by the environment variable X509_USER_CERT is considered. If this variable is not set, the the file referred by the environment variable X509_USER_PROXY is considered. If even this variable is not set, the file /tmp/x509_u<uid> is considered

If the --key option is not specified, the file referred by the environment variable X509_USER_KEY is considered. If this variable is not set, the the file referred by the environment variable X509_USER_PROXY is considered. If even this variable is not set, the file /tmp/x509_u<uid> is considered

CEMon_URL is the URL of the CEMon service

0.2 Resume a notification

glite-ce-monitor-resume is the command to be used to resume a previously suspended notification.


glite-ce-monitor-resume [--cert <CERTIFICATE_FILE] [--key <KEY_FILE>] --id <SUBSCRIPTION_ID_TO_RESUME> <CEMon_URL>

=SUBSCRIPTION_ID_TO_RESUME= is the identifier of the CEMon subscription that must be resumed

If the =--cert= option is not specified, the file referred by the environment variable =X509_USER_CERT= is considered. If this variable is not set, the the file referred by the environment variable =X509_USER_PROXY= is considered. If even this variable is not set, the file =/tmp/x509_u&lt;uid&gt;= is considered

If the =--key= option is not specified, the file referred by the environment variable =X509_USER_KEY= is considered. If this variable is not set, the the file referred by the environment variable =X509_USER_PROXY= is considered. If even this variable is not set, the file =/tmp/x509_u&lt;uid&gt;= is considered

=CEMon_URL= is the URL of the CEMon service

---## Delete a subscription

=glite-ce-monitor-unsubscribe= is the command that must be used to remove an existing CEMon subscription.

glite-ce-monitor-unsubscribe [--cert <CERTIFICATE_FILE>] [--key <KEY_FILE>] --id <SUBSCRIPTION_ID_TO_REMOVE> <CEMon_URL>

=SUBSCRIPTION_ID_TO_REMOVE= is the identifier of the CEMon subscription that must be removed

If the =--cert= option is not specified, the file referred by the environment variable =X509_USER_CERT= is considered. If this variable is not set, the the file referred by the environment variable =X509_USER_PROXY= is considered. If even this variable is not set, the file =/tmp/x509_u&lt;uid&gt;= is considered

If the =--key= option is not specified, the file referred by the environment variable =X509_USER_KEY= is considered. If this variable is not set, the the file referred by the environment variable =X509_USER_PROXY= is considered. If even this variable is not set, the file =/tmp/x509_u&lt;uid&gt;= is considered

=CEMon_URL= is the URL of the CEMon service

---## Start a CEMon consumer

=glite-ce-monitor-consumer= is a command to be used to start a CEMon consumer. It starts a light stand-alone web service that accepts notifications from a CEMon service and parses their SOAP messages (events). 

glite-ce-monitor-consumer [--key keyfile --cert certfile] [--outpath path] [--append-output] <tcpport>

The content of the received notification is printed in a file whose name is the hostname of the CEMon host and which is created in the directory specified with the option =--outpath=. This file is overwritten for every received notification, unless the =--append-output= is specified. 

The cert and key file must be specified only if the authentication must be turned on. Please note that this works with host cert and key files, while it doesn't work with user proxies 


$ glite-ce-monitor-consumer --outpath /home/sgaravat --append-output 8676

$ glite-ce-monitor-consumer --cert /home/sgaravat/hostcert.pem --key /home/sgaravat/hostkey.pem 5677

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