Difference: NotesAboutInstallationAndConfigurationOfWNTORQUEMPI (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52012-05-25 - AlessandroPaolini

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Notes about Installation and Configuration of WN using Torque with MPI support - WORK IN PROGRESS


Notes about Installation and Configuration of WN using Torque with MPI support

  • These notes are provided by site admins on a best effort base as a contribution to the IGI communities and MUST not be considered as a subsitute of the Official IGI documentation.
  • This document is addressed to site administrators responsible for middleware installation and configuration.
  • The goal of this page is to provide some hints and examples on how to install and configure an EMI WN + MPI service based on EMI middleware using TORQUE as batch system
Line: 107 to 107
 # cp -r /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/* .
keep and edit only these files:
in the services directory, keep and edit only these files:
# ls services/
Line: 161 to 161
 For your convenience there is an explanation of each yaim variable. For more details look at [6, 7, 8, 9] </>
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in the following example, it is enabled the support for MPICH2 and OPENMPI; moreover the WNs are configured to use shared homes

# Mandatory parameters in services/mpi     #

# N.B. this file contains common configuration for CE and WN
# As such, it should be included in your site-info.def to ensure
# that the configuration of the CE and WNs remains in sync.

# MPI-related configuration:
# Several MPI implementations (or "flavours") are available.
# If you do NOT want a flavour to be configured, set its variable
# to "no". Otherwise, set it to "yes". If you want to use an
# already installed version of an implementation, set its "_PATH" and
# "_VERSION" variables to match your setup (examples below).
# NOTE 1: the CE_RUNTIMEENV will be automatically updated in the file
# functions/config_mpi_ce, so that the CE advertises the MPI implementations
# you choose here - you do NOT have to change it manually in this file.
# It will become something like this:
#              MPICH
#              MPICH-1.2.7p4
#              MPICH2
#              MPICH2-1.0.4
#              OPENMPI
#              OPENMPI-1.1
#              LAM"
# NOTE 2: it is currently NOT possible to configure multiple concurrent
# versions of the same implementations (e.g. MPICH-1.2.3 and MPICH-1.2.7)
# using YAIM. Customize "/opt/glite/yaim/functions/config_mpi_ce" file
# to do so.

# The following example are applicable to default SL 5.3 x86_64 (gLite 3.2 WN)
# Support for MPICH 1 is dropped

# Example for using an already installed version of MPI.
# Just fill in the path to its current installation (e.g. "/usr")
# and which version it is (e.g. "6.5.9").

# DEFAULT Parameters
# The following parameters are correct for a default SL 5.X x86_64 WN

# If you provide mpiexec (http://www.osc.edu/~pw/mpiexec/index.php)
# for MPICH or MPICH2, please state the full path to that file here.
# Otherwise do not set this variable. (Default is to set this to
# the location of mpiexec set by the glite-MPI_WN metapackage.

# Most versions of MPI now distribute their own versions of mpiexec
# However, I had some problems with the MPICH2 version - so use standard mpiexec

#########  MPI_SHARED_HOME section
# Set this variable to one of the following:
# MPI_SHARED_HOME="no" if a shared directory is not used
# MPI_SHARED_HOME="yes" if the HOME directory area is shared
# MPI_SHARED_HOME="/Path/to/Shared/Location" if a shared area other
#    than the HOME dirirectory is used.

# If you do NOT provide a shared home, set MPI_SHARED_HOME to "no" (default).

# If you do provide a shared home and Grid jobs normally start in that area,
# set MPI_SHARED_HOME to "yes".

# If you have a shared area but Grid jobs don't start there, then set
# MPI_SHARED_HOME to the location of this shared area. The permissions
# of this area need to be the same as /tmp (i.e. 1777) so that users
# can create their own subdirectories.

######## Intra WN authentication
# This variable is normally set to yes when shared homes are not used.
# This allows the wrapper script to copy the job data to the other nodes
# If enabling SSH Hostbased Authentication you must ensure that
# the appropriate ssh config files are deployed.
# Affected files are the system ssh_config, sshd_config and ssh_know_hosts.
# The edg-pbs-knownhosts can be use to generate the ssh_know_hosts
# If you do NOT have SSH Hostbased Authentication between your WNs, 
# set this variable to "no" (default). Otherwise set it to "yes".

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# Setup configuration variables that are common to both the CE and WN

if [ -r ${config_dir}/services/glite-mpi ]; then
 source ${config_dir}/services/glite-mpi

# The MPI CE config function can create a submit filter for
# Torque to ensure that CPU allocation is performed correctly.
# Change this variable to "yes" to have YAIM create this filter.
# Warning: if you have an existing torque.cfg it will be modified.

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# Setup configuration variables that are common to both the CE and WN
# Most variables are common to CE and WN. It is easier to define
# These in a common file ${config_dir}/services/glite-mpi

if [ -r ${config_dir}/services/glite-mpi ]; then
 source ${config_dir}/services/glite-mpi

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munge configuration

IMPORTANT: The updated EPEL5 build of torque-2.5.7-1 as compared to previous versions enables munge as an inter node authentication method.

  • verify that munge is correctly installed:
# rpm -qa | grep munge
  • On one host (for example the batch server) generate a key by launching:
# /usr/sbin/create-munge-key

# ls -ltr /etc/munge/
total 4
-r-------- 1 munge munge 1024 Jan 13 14:32 munge.key
  • Copy the key, /etc/munge/munge.key to every host of your cluster, adjusting the permissions:
# chown munge:munge /etc/munge/munge.key
  • Start the munge daemon on each node:
# service munge start
Starting MUNGE:                                            [  OK  ]

# chkconfig munge on

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software area settings

you have to import the software area from CE (or another host).
  • Edit the file /etc/fstab by adding a line like the following:
cremino.cnaf.infn.it:/opt/exp_soft/ /opt/exp_soft/ nfs rw,defaults 0 0
  • check nfs and portmap status
# service nfs status
rpc.mountd is stopped
nfsd is stopped

# service portmap status
portmap is stopped

# service portmap start
Starting portmap:                                          [  OK  ]

# service nfs start
Starting NFS services:                                     [  OK  ]
Starting NFS daemon:                                       [  OK  ]
Starting NFS mountd:                                       [  OK  ]
Starting RPC idmapd:                                       [  OK  ]

# chkconfig nfs on
# chkconfig portmap on
  • after any modification in /etc/fstab launch
mount -a
  • verify the mount:
# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3              65G  1.9G   59G   4% /
/dev/sda1              99M   18M   76M  19% /boot
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
                       65G  4.4G   57G   8% /opt/exp_soft

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yaim check

# /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -v -s site-info_batch.def -n MPI_WN -n WN_torque_noafs
   INFO: Using site configuration file: site-info_batch.def
   INFO: Sourcing service specific configuration file: ./services/glite-mpi_wn
         .             /'.-. ')
         .     yA,-"-,( ,m,:/ )   .oo.     oo    o      ooo  o.     .oo
         .    /      .-Y a  a Y-.     8. .8'    8'8.     8    8b   d'8
         .   /           ~ ~ /         8'    .8oo88.     8    8  8'  8
         . (_/         '===='          8    .8'     8.   8    8  Y   8
         .   Y,-''-,Yy,-.,/           o8o  o8o    o88o  o8o  o8o    o8o
         .    I_))_) I_))_)
         current working directory: /root
         site-info.def date: Apr 24 09:22 site-info_batch.def
         yaim command: -v -s site-info_batch.def -n MPI_WN -n WN_torque_noafs
         log file: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/../log/yaimlog
         Tue Apr 24 11:53:02 CEST 2012 : /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
         Installed YAIM versions:
         glite-yaim-clients 5.0.0-1
         glite-yaim-core 5.0.2-1
         glite-yaim-mpi 1.1.10-10
         glite-yaim-torque-client 5.0.0-1
         glite-yaim-torque-utils 5.0.0-1
   INFO: The default location of the grid-env.(c)sh files will be: /usr/libexec
   INFO: Sourcing the utilities in /opt/glite/yaim/functions/utils
   INFO: Detecting environment
   INFO: Executing function: config_mpi_wn_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_ntp_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_lcg_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_globus_clients_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_lcgenv_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_users_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_sw_dir_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_amga_client_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_wn_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_vomsdir_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_vomses_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_glite_saga_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_wn_info_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_torque_client_check 
   INFO: Checking is done.
   INFO: All the necessary variables to configure MPI_WN WN_torque_noafs are defined in your configuration files.
   INFO: Please, bear in mind that YAIM only guarantees the definition of variables
   INFO: controlled in the _check functions.
   INFO: YAIM terminated succesfully.

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yaim config

# /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info_batch.def -n MPI_WN -n WN_torque_noafs
   INFO: Using site configuration file: site-info_batch.def
   INFO: Sourcing service specific configuration file: ./services/glite-mpi_wn
         .             /'.-. ')
         .     yA,-"-,( ,m,:/ )   .oo.     oo    o      ooo  o.     .oo
         .    /      .-Y a  a Y-.     8. .8'    8'8.     8    8b   d'8
         .   /           ~ ~ /         8'    .8oo88.     8    8  8'  8
         . (_/         '===='          8    .8'     8.   8    8  Y   8
         .   Y,-''-,Yy,-.,/           o8o  o8o    o88o  o8o  o8o    o8o
         .    I_))_) I_))_)
         current working directory: /root
         site-info.def date: Apr 24 09:22 site-info_batch.def
         yaim command: -c -s site-info_batch.def -n MPI_WN -n WN_torque_noafs
         log file: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/../log/yaimlog
         Tue Apr 24 11:53:15 CEST 2012 : /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
         Installed YAIM versions:
         glite-yaim-clients 5.0.0-1
         glite-yaim-core 5.0.2-1
         glite-yaim-mpi 1.1.10-10
         glite-yaim-torque-client 5.0.0-1
         glite-yaim-torque-utils 5.0.0-1
   INFO: The default location of the grid-env.(c)sh files will be: /usr/libexec
   INFO: Sourcing the utilities in /opt/glite/yaim/functions/utils
   INFO: Detecting environment
   INFO: Executing function: config_mpi_wn_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_ntp_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_lcg_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_globus_clients_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_lcgenv_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_users_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_sw_dir_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_amga_client_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_wn_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_vomsdir_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_vomses_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_glite_saga_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_wn_info_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_torque_client_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_mpi_wn_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_mpi_wn 
   INFO: Executing function: config_ldconf 
   INFO: config_ldconf: function not needed anymore, left empy waiting to be removed
   INFO: Executing function: config_ntp_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_ntp 
   INFO: Storing old ntp settings in /etc/ntp.conf.yaimold.20120424_115316
   INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_edg 
   INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_globus 
   INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_lcg 
   INFO: Executing function: config_crl 
   INFO: Now updating the CRLs - this may take a few minutes...
Enabling periodic fetch-crl:                               [  OK  ]
   INFO: Executing function: config_rfio 
   INFO: Executing function: config_globus_clients_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_globus_clients 
   INFO: Configure the globus service - not needed in EMI
   INFO: Executing function: config_lcgenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_users 
   INFO: Executing function: config_sw_dir_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_sw_dir 
   INFO: Executing function: config_nfs_sw_dir_client 
   INFO: Variable $BASE_SW_DIR is not set!
   INFO: The directory /opt/exp_soft won't be mounted with NFS!
   INFO: Executing function: config_fts_client 
   INFO: Executing function: config_amga_client_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_amga_client 
   INFO: Executing function: config_wn_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_wn 
   INFO: Executing function: config_vomsdir_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_vomsdir 
   INFO: Executing function: config_vomses 
   INFO: Executing function: config_glite_saga_setenv 
   INFO: SAGA configuration is not required
   INFO: Executing function: config_glite_saga 
   INFO: SAGA configuration is not required
   INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env 
   INFO: Executing function: config_wn_info 
   WARNING: No subcluster has been defined for the WN in the WN_LIST file /root/wn-list.conf
   WARNING: YAIM will use the default subcluster id: CE_HOST -> cream-01.cnaf.infn.it
   INFO: Executing function: config_torque_client 
   INFO: starting pbs_mom...
Shutting down TORQUE Mom: pbs_mom already stopped          [  OK  ]
Starting TORQUE Mom:                                       [  OK  ]
   INFO: Configuration Complete.                                               [  OK  ]
   INFO: YAIM terminated succesfully.



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Sorted descending
Comment By
2012-05-25 installation notes completed Alessandro Paolini
2012-04-23 First draft Alessandro Paolini
  -- AlessandroPaolini - 2012-04-23 \ No newline at end of file
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