The CREAM configuration for supporting SLURM (EMI-3)

CREAM interacts with the BLAH component which is an abstraction layer providing a unified interface to the underlying LRMS. Starting from the EMI-3 release the set of the supported LRMS has been extended by adding SLURM. This is a simply guide for configuring manually CREAM to enable the support of SLURM:

  • install and configure CREAM if the resource BDII is up and running by executing
    ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 2170 -b 'GLUE2GroupID=resource,o=glue' objectCLass=GLUE2Service

-- LisaZangrando - 2013-01-21

Topic revision: r1 - 2013-01-21 - LisaZangrando

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