Setup testbed per sviluppatori wnodes con torque Gestione Il gruppo IGI si occupa di installare/reinstallare il sistema operativo (mail a grid operations #64;lists...
Cloud Related Activities Here you will find documentation and activity report about the Cloud and EGI cloud TF. WNoDeSPBSInstallation Attivita` in corso...
EGI Cloud TF Issues Di seguito si traccia l`attivita` inerente la partecipazione alla Cloud TF di EGI. Informazioni utili: Cloud Integration Profile Requirements...
How to submit jobs to WNoDeS IGI Cloud Testbed Prerequisite A X509 personal certificate Register you personal certificate in a VO Login on a EGI User...
Dear representatives, all, The following users volunteered for the WeNMR community to use the provided Cloud Resources on the Task Force test bed: Dr. Adrien Melquion...
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