
cream-test-notified-cancel - submit and cancel a sequence of jobs and wait for notifications

cream-test-notified-cancel [OPTION] -R | --resourceURI RESOURCEURI

Submit a given number of jobs and cancel them when they reach a suitable status, any change in the job status is monitored via cemonitor notifications. The test keeps a given number of job running on the CE.


  • -p --consumerPort NUMBER define the port for the consumer service (DEFAULT is 9000)

  • -D --delegationType STRING specify the delegation management type: single, one delegated proxy for all submissions, or multiple, one delegated proxy per job (DEFAULT is single)

  • -h --help Print the man pages for this command

  • --interactive Enable the test control via terminal (EXPERIMENTAL)

  • -j --jdl STRING define the path for the jdl file, if omitted
a predefined jdl will be used with simple sleep as executable (5 times the rate)

  • -l --logConf STRING Set the location of the configuration file for log4py, (DEFAULT as provided by log4py)

  • -C --maxConcurrentSubmit NUMBER define the number of concurrent submit, (DEFAULT is 1)

  • -m --maxRunningJobs NUMBER set the max number of job which can be enqueued in the service (DEFAULT 100)

  • --nopurge Disable the purge operation for all jobs submitted (CRITICAL)

  • -n --numberOfJob NUMBER set the number of jobs to submit (DEFAULT 1)

  • -r --rate NUMBER set the notification rate in seconds for the subscription on CEMonitor (DEFAULT is 30s)

  • -R --resourceURI STRING define the URI of the resource under testing, the format is [:]/cream--. This option is mandatory and no default value is defined

  • --sotimeout NUMBER Socket timeout in seconds (DEFAULT 30s)

  • --valid STRING set the voms-proxy duration in the format HH:MM (DEFAULT 00:10)

  • --vo STRING set the VO name to be used for the test; this parameter is mandatory whenever X509_USER_CERT and X509_USER_KEY are defined, no default is available


  • GLITE_LOCATION location of gLite packages (DEFAULT=/opt/glite)

  • X509_USER_PROXY location of the user proxy

  • X509_USER_CERT location of the user certificate, this variable has priority upon the X509_USER_PROXY variable

  • X509_USER_KEY location of the user private key. The key must be protected by a passphrase.

  • X509_CONSUMER_CERT location of the consumer certificate, if this variable is set together with X509_CONSUMER_KEY the test suite enables the notifications over secure channel

  • X509_CONSUMER_KEY location of the consumer private key, if this variable is set together with X509_CONSUMER_CERT the test suite enables the notifications over secure channel. The key must be protected by a passphrase.

  • NOTIFIED_CANCEL_CONFIG_FILE location of the configuration file for this test. The configuration file contains a list of properties (the format is key=value); the set of keys correspond to the set of the long options of this test
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Topic revision: r3 - 2009-05-26 - PaoloAndreetto
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