CREAM Test work plan


The CREAM testsuite is a set of python scripts that interacts with the CREAM command line tools in order to perform several functional tests.

Installation and setup

The easiest way to deploy the testsuite is to have a UI node already available, for further details refer to the Generic Installation and Configuration Guide. The testsuite can be installed using yum creating a file in the yum.repos.d directory with the following definition:

and then running
yum install org.glite.testsuites.cream

After the installation it is suggested to check if the environment variable GLITE_LOCATION points to the correct gLite installation directory, i.e. the one containing the bin folder with the CREAM clients.

Work plan

Testsuite composition

The set of test can be divided into two main categories, according to the type of status detection mechanism for a job:
  • with polling (synchronous):
    • cream-test-monitored-cancel
    • cream-test-monitored-lease-expired
    • cream-test-monitored-lease-updated
    • cream-test-monitored-proxy-expired
    • cream-test-monitored-submit
    • cream-test-notified-lease-updated
  • with notifications (asynchronous):
    • cream-test-notified-cancel
    • cream-test-notified-lease-expired
    • cream-test-notified-lease-updated
    • cream-test-notified-submit

Proxy management

Each test can be run using either an external user voms-proxy or with an internal management of the voms-proxy. The default mechanism is using an external voms-proxy. The external voms-proxy is not renewed by the test, the user is responsible for updating that credential if required in such a way that it does not interfere with tests, for example "renaming" the new proxy into the old one. The external voms-proxy path is defined with the environment variable X509_USER_PROXY, the main default is /tmp/x509_uuid. With the internal management of the voms-proxy the testsuite keeps track of the renewal of that credential, the user has just to provide a valid personal certificate and private key. The environment variables required for enabling this mode are: X509_USER_CERT and X509_USER_KEY; when this mode is selected each test requires the definition of the VO to be used (option --vo) and the voms-proxy-init client must be properly configured.

Delegation management

Each test can be run either using a single delegated proxy on the CE for all the submissions or with one delegated proxy per submitted job, see --delegationType option. The tester must be aware of using the second mode can overload the entire system, both the service and the testsuite, so the tuning of the test parameters must consider that issue.

This topic: EgeeJra1It > TestWokPlan > CreamWorkPlan
Topic revision: r4 - 2008-11-14 - PaoloAndreetto
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