
Service Overview

The Workload Management System (WMS) comprises a set of Grid middleware components responsible for the distribution and management of tasks across Grid resources, in such a way that applications are conveniently, efficiently and effectively executed. Following the list of sub-services the WMS is composed of:

  • Workload Management – WM: Core component of the Workload Management, its purpose is to accept and satisfy requests for job management coming from its clients
  • WMProxy: Web service interface to submit jobs to the WM
  • Job Controller – JC: Acts as an interface to condor for the WM
  • Log Monitor – LM: Directly connected to JC acts as a job monitoring tool parsing condor log files
  • Local Logger: copy events to be sent to the LB server into a local disk file
  • LBProxy: keeps a local view of the job state to be sent to the LB server
  • Proxy Renewal: Service to renew the proxy of a long-running job

Installation and Configuration

  • Install and configure OS and basic services according to the
  • Install glite-WMS metapackage from appropriate gLite software repository
  • Configure the WMS node via yaim by running the following command '/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n WMS'

-- ElisabettaMolinari - 25 Mar 2009

Topic revision: r2 - 2009-03-25 - ElisabettaMolinari
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