cream-28 Work Log

Batch system:

  • Torque 2.3.6


  • creamtest1
  • creamtest2

Work Nodes:

cream-wn-045 2*Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU family 1266MHz. Ram: 1Gb 2.6.9-89.33.1 SL 4.8 Yes / Done np: 75
| cream-wn-046 | 2*Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU family 1266MHz. Ram: 1Gb | 2.6.9-89.33.1 | SL 4.8 | Yes / Done | np: 75

2011-01-25 (Ale)

  • Migration of the dteam VO from CERN to EGI VOMS following these instructions

2011-01-04 WNs (Ale)

  • rpm -e --nodeps dcache-dcap
  • Update:
     CGSI_gSOAP_2.7          i386       1.3.3-1.slc4     glite-WN_sl4_updates   70 k
     DPM-client              i386       1.7.3-1sec.slc4  glite-WN_sl4_updates  5.0 M
     DPM-interfaces          i386       1.7.3-1sec.slc4  glite-WN_sl4_updates  656 k
     GFAL-client             i386       1.11.8-2.slc4    glite-WN_sl4_updates  2.3 M
     LFC-client              i386       1.7.3-1sec.slc4  glite-WN_sl4_updates  1.8 M
     LFC-interfaces          i386       1.7.3-1sec.slc4  glite-WN_sl4_updates  705 k
     dcache-dcap             i586       1.9.3-0          glite-WN_sl4_updates  1.6 M
     dcache-srmclient        noarch     1.9.5-3          glite-WN_sl4_externals  9.0 M
     glite-WN                i386       3.1.43-0         glite-WN_sl4_updates  5.6 k
     glite-data-delegation-api-c  i386       2.0.0-7.slc4     glite-WN_sl4_updates  253 k
     glite-data-delegation-cli  i386       2.0.0-5.slc4     glite-WN_sl4_updates   43 k
     glite-data-srm-api-c    i386       1.1.0-13.slc4    glite-WN_sl4_updates  1.3 M
     glite-data-transfer-cli  i386       3.7.2-1.slc4     glite-WN_sl4_updates  1.2 M
     glite-data-transfer-interface  noarch     3.7.0-1          glite-WN_sl4_updates  136 k
     glite-lb-client         i386       3.2.2-1.slc4     glite-WN_sl4_updates  1.4 M
     glite-lb-client-interface  i386       3.2.1-1.slc4     glite-WN_sl4_updates  467 k
     glite-lb-common         i386       6.1.3-2.slc4     glite-WN_sl4_updates  657 k
     glite-yaim-clients      noarch     4.0.9-2          glite-WN_sl4_updates   22 k
     glite-yaim-torque-utils  noarch     4.0.4-1          glite-TORQUE_utils_updates  7.4 k
     lcg-dm-common           i386       1.7.3-1sec.slc4  glite-WN_sl4_updates  329 k
     lcg-info-dynamic-pbs    noarch     1.0.13-1         glite-TORQUE_utils_updates  3.5 k
     lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-generic  noarch     2.3.4-1          glite-TORQUE_utils   42 k
     lcg-infosites           noarch     2.6.8-3          glite-WN_sl4_updates  8.0 k
     lcg-vomscerts           noarch     6.1.0-1          ig_sl4             20 k
     lcg_util                i386       1.7.6-1.slc4     glite-WN_sl4_updates  274 k
     DPM-interfaces2         i386       1.7.3-1sec.slc4  glite-WN_sl4_updates  227 k
     LFC-interfaces2         i386       1.7.3-1sec.slc4  glite-WN_sl4_updates  394 k
     dcap                    i386       1.9.3-6          glite-WN_sl4_externals   94 k
     glite-swat-client       noarch     0.1.4-1          glite-WN_sl4_release   87 k
     glite-swat-client-pubkey  noarch     0.1.4-1          glite-WN_sl4_release  3.9 k
     glite-swat-client-tests  noarch     0.1.4-1          glite-WN_sl4_release   11 k
     glite-swat-common       noarch     0.1.4-1          glite-WN_sl4_release   70 k
     libdcap                 i386       1.9.3-6          glite-WN_sl4_externals  197 k
     libdcap-devel           i386       1.9.3-6          glite-WN_sl4_externals  122 k
     libdcap-tunnel-gsi      i386       1.9.3-6          glite-WN_sl4_externals   16 k
     libdcap-tunnel-telnet   i386       1.9.3-6          glite-WN_sl4_externals  4.9 k
  • Reconfiguring via yaim
  • Install nrpe

2010-12-27 (Ale)

  • Update:
     glite-CREAM                        x86_64            3.2.8-2.sl5                       glite-CREAM_updates            5.2 k
     glite-ce-blahp                     x86_64            1.14.4-3.sl5                      glite-CREAM_updates            481 k
     glite-ce-ce-plugin                 noarch            1.12.2-1                          glite-CREAM_updates             17 k
     glite-ce-cream                     noarch            1.12.4-2                          glite-CREAM_updates            5.2 M
     glite-ce-cream-utils               x86_64            1.0.2-1.sl5                       glite-CREAM_updates             16 k
     glite-ce-job-plugin                noarch            1.12.2-1                          glite-CREAM_updates             25 k
     glite-ce-monitor                   noarch            1.12.3-1                          glite-CREAM_updates            4.1 M
     glite-yaim-cream-ce                noarch            4.1.1-3                           glite-CREAM_updates             30 k

2010-10-19 (Sara)

  • cream-CE (Production version - production repositories)
  • SL5 x86_64 installed
  • "GlueCEStateStatus" = "TestbedB"

-- SaraBertocco - 2010-10-20

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Topic revision: r7 - 2011-01-25 - AlessioGianelle
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