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PREVIOUSLY... Upgrade of gLite components to UMD

All the gLite components have reached the end of support, or will reach the end of support soon.

All the gLite 3.1 components must be upgraded to UMD within September the 30th.

Many gLite 3.2 components are currently unsupported:

  • Unsupported: Argus, CREAM, LB, BDII, Torque/SGE/LSF utils, glite-MPI, VOMS, APEL, SCAS, glite-CLUSTER
  • Supported until Oct 2012: FTS, gLExec, LFC, DPM, UI, WN
  • Supported until Apr 2013: VOBox

Sites should to move to software with security support.

  • This topic was discussed in more detail in the OMB Jul 17th
  • The timeline to enforce this upgrade is September 2012 (for DPM and LFC is October).

list of gLite 3.2 services (16/07/2012) :


ce-enmr.cerm.unifi.it bdii_site
bdii-enmr.cerm.unifi.it bdii_top
pbs-enmr.cerm.unifi.it CREAM
se-enmr.cerm.unifi.it SRM
se-enmr.cerm.unifi.it SRM


gridce.ilc.cnr.it CREAM
gridse.ilc.cnr.it SRM
gridse.ilc.cnr.it SRM


gridsrv2-4.dir.garr.it CREAM
gridsrv3-4.dir.garr.it SRM
gridsrv3-4.dir.garr.it SRM


aliserv6.ct.infn.it SRM
aliserv6.ct.infn.it SRM


sirius-sb.ct.infn.it bdii_site
sirius-ce.ct.infn.it CREAM
sirius-se.ct.infn.it SRM
sirius-se.ct.infn.it SRM


inaf-ce-01.ct.pi2s2.it CREAM


infn-ce-01.ct.pi2s2.it CREAM
infn-se-03.ct.pi2s2.it SRM
infn-se-03.ct.pi2s2.it SRM


infnlns-wn-12.ct.pi2s2.it bdii_site
infnlns-ce-01.ct.pi2s2.it CREAM


grisuce.scope.unina.it CREAM


grid01.uibk.ac.at SRM
grid01.uibk.ac.at SRM
grid.uibk.ac.at CREAM
hepx4.uibk.ac.at CREAM
test-ui.uibk.ac.at bdii_site
grid-bdii.uibk.ac.at bdii_top


bdii.oeaw.ac.at bdii_site
hephygr.oeaw.ac.at CREAM
hephyse.oeaw.ac.at SRM
hephyse.oeaw.ac.at SRM


iceage-se-01.ct.infn.it SRM
iceage-se-01.ct.infn.it SRM
iceage-sb-01.ct.infn.it bdii_site


lfcserver.cnaf.infn.it lcg-file-catalog
lfcserver.cnaf.infn.it lcg-local-file-catalog
lfcserver.cnaf.infn.it data-location-interface
lfcserver.cnaf.infn.it local-data-location-interface


cream-ce-2.ba.infn.it CREAM


sgbo-t3.cr.cnaf.infn.it bdii_site
cebo-t3-01.cr.cnaf.infn.it CREAM


bdii-site.ca.infn.it bdii_site
cecream.ca.infn.it CREAM
grid003.ca.infn.it SRM
grid003.ca.infn.it SRM


vobox.ct.infn.it VOBOX
cream-ce-01.ct.trigrid.it org.glite.ce.CREAM
grid012.ct.infn.it CREAM
aliserv6.ct.infn.it SRM
aliserv6.ct.infn.it SRM


grid0.fe.infn.it CREAM


atlasce2.lnf.infn.it CREAM


creamce01.ge.infn.it CREAM


bdii-1.le.infn.it bdii_site
ce-1.le.infn.it CREAM


t2-ce-06.lnl.infn.it CREAM


storm.mib.infn.it SRM
bdii.mib.infn.it bdii_site


ce-cream.mi.infn.it CREAM


argodpm01.na.infn.it SRM
argodpm01.na.infn.it SRM


atlas-bdii.na.infn.it bdii_site
t2-dpm-01.na.infn.it SRM
t2-dpm-01.na.infn.it SRM


prod-se-02.pd.infn.it SRM
prod-se-02.pd.infn.it SRM
eu-india-04.pd.infn.it org.glite.lb.Server
eu-india-03.pd.infn.it bdii_top
lfc.pd.infn.it lcg-file-catalog
lfc.pd.infn.it data-location-interface


grid-bdii.pv.infn.it bdii_site
grid-ce.pv.infn.it CREAM
grid-se.pv.infn.it SRM
grid-se.pv.infn.it SRM


gridce0.pi.infn.it CREAM


cmsrm-cream01.roma1.infn.it CREAM


gridvm04.roma2.infn.it bdii_site


ce-02.roma3.infn.it CREAM
storm-01.roma3.infn.it SRM


lfc-lhcb-ro.cr.cnaf.infn.it lcg-local-file-catalog
lfc-lhcb-ro.cr.cnaf.infn.it local-data-location-interface
lfc-test.cr.cnaf.infn.it lcg-local-file-catalog
lfc-test.cr.cnaf.infn.it local-data-location-interface


t2-ce-01.to.infn.it CREAM


egibdii.polito.it bdii_site
egice.polito.it CREAM


cream-ce-01.ct.trigrid.it org.glite.ce.CREAM


ce.scope.unina.it CREAM

Ticket Text

Dear site-admins,

All the gLite components have reached the end of support, or will reach the end of support soon.

Many gLite 3.2 components are currently unsupported (http://glite.cern.ch/support_calendar/):

- Unsupported: Argus, CREAM, LB, BDII, Torque/SGE/LSF utils, glite-MPI, VOMS, APEL, SCAS, glite-CLUSTER
- Supported until Oct 2012: FTS, gLExec, LFC, DPM, UI, WN
- Supported until Apr 2013: VOBox

At the OMB last week was decided that Currently unsupported gLite 3.2 services must be upgraded to a supported version by: *30 Sep 2012* (DPM and LFC by 31 Oct)

you currently run the following services (including the WNs):


please let us know what are your migration plans and upgrade soon your site

some useful links:

IGI-EMI guide: https://wiki.italiangrid.it/twiki/bin/view/IGIRelease/IgiEmi

generic EMI1: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/GenericInstallationConfigurationEMI1

generic EMI2: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/GenericInstallationConfigurationEMI2

Cream Guide: https://wiki.italiangrid.it/twiki/bin/view/CREAM/SystemAdministratorGuideForEMI2

EMI2 product list: http://www.eu-emi.eu/products
EMI1: http://www.eu-emi.eu/kebnekaise-products

Open issues related to migration from glite3.2 to EMI

SITE NAME Status Ticket
INFN-CAGLIARI VOBOX ancora da installare https://ticketing.cnaf.infn.it/checklist-new/modules/xhelp/ticket.php?id=13760
INFN-CATANIA VOBOX da migrare https://ticketing.cnaf.infn.it/checklist-new/modules/xhelp/ticket.php?id=13761

Tickets opened by the EGI COD Operations Team

SITE NAME Status Ticket NoteSorted descending
GRISU-COMETA-INAF-CT SOLVED https://ticketing.cnaf.infn.it/checklist-new/modules/xhelp/ticket.php?id=14161 Jan 8th

NOW: Decommissioning of glite-3.2 DPM/LFC/WN by January

durante lo scorso Operations Management Board č stato approvato il piano per la dismissione dei servizi gLite ed anche quello per i servizi EMI 1.

Poichč la richiesta di estensione del supporto di sicurezza per i WN gLite č stata respinta da EMI, dal primo di Dicembre i test di nagios che gireranno su tali WN restituiranno un fallimento critico, e comunque essi dovranno essere dismessi entro il 31 Gennaio 2013.

Qui di seguito sono riportati i punti salienti e le azioni che verranno intraprese mano a mano che ci si avvicina alla scadenza fissata:

DECISION. The OMB approves the gLite 3.2 WN, DPM and LFC retirment calendar. Products must be decommissioned by 31-01-2013. Sites depending on the EMI 2 WN tarball will be handled according to different timelines that depend on when the tarball will be available for upgrade.

  • from 01-12-2012: Nagios probes returning CRITICAL
  • by 17-12-2012: Upgrade plans requested from site administrators
  • by 31-01-2013: Services must be decommissioned
  • from 01-02-2013: gLite 3.2 WN, DPM and LFC must be put in downtime unless problems prevent the administrators from upgrading (issues will be evaluated on a case by case)

La procedura che verrą seguita per questo tipo di ticket č ivi descritta.

Nagios server usato: https://midmon.egi.eu/nagios/

Link ai test per CE: https://midmon.egi.eu/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi?servicegroup=SERVICE_CREAM-CE&style=overview

Ticket aperti dai ROD italiani

SITE NAME Status Ticket Note
GRISU-UNINA In progress 14494 entro il 31 Gennaio
INFN-CAGLIARI SOLVED 14511 entro il 18 Gennaio
INFN-LECCE In progress 14497 entro il 25 Gennaio
INFN-NAPOLI-ATLAS In progress 14498 entro il 31 Gennaio
INFN-NAPOLI-ATLAS In progress 14567 entro il 31 Gennaio
INFN-PAVIA In progress 14499 entro il 31 Gennaio
INFN-PISA In progress 14500 entro il 15 Gennaio
INFN-PISA In progress 14513 entro il 15 Gennaio
INFN-PISA In progress 14625 entro il 15 Gennaio
INFN-TORINO SOLVED 14492 entro l'11 Gennaio
INFN-TRIESTE SOLVED 14569 entro il 31 Gennaio
UNINA-EGEE In progress 14496 entro il 31 Gennaio

-- AlessandroPaolini - 2012-12-10

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