IGI First Release SL5 x86_64 - 22/11/2011

Dear site-admins,

During the last weeks work was going on to improve the availability of middleware repositories by providing 2 mirrors:

* main repository, located in Padova - repo-pd.italiangrid.it

* secondary repository, located in Bologna - repo-cnaf.italiangrid.it

Both repositories are synced and contain mirrors of the main grid middleware repositories, gLite, EMI, UMD as well as the IGI repository.

In order to enable the use of this repositories you should change ASAP your .repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d following the information present at:


in the “IGI Repository” section.

Furthermore, it is available the first IGI Release based on middleware services developed by EMI, containing:

* BDII_top v. 1.0.1

* BDII_site v. 1.0.1

* !StoRM v. 1.8.0


* IGI Generic documentation page


* Specific IGI Release documentation


For all services please read first the Common Documentation:


After those steps refer to specific service guides, that you find referenced at:


Please read *carefully* the instructions before applying them and in case of doubts don't hesitate to contact us (grid-release@lists.italiangrid.it).

Thank you for your attention,

IGI Release Team

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Topic revision: r4 - 2012-02-10 - CristinaAiftimiei
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