WMS v. 3.4 (SL6) test report


  • Component: WMS 3.4

  • ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi-wms_R_3_4_0_7

  • VCS Tag:

  • EMI Major Release: EMI 1 (Kebnekaise)

  • Platform: SL6 (x86_64)

  • Outcome: PASSED

Deployment Tests

Clean installation

  • Starting from a SL6 x86_64 kernel machine:

[root@cert-27 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Scientific Linux SL release 6.2 (Carbon)
[root@cert-27 ~]# uname -a
Linux cert-13.cnaf.infn.it 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 

INSTALL LOG : See attachment 20120828_174227_EMI2_CERT_INSTALL_wms3.4_SL6.log COMMAND SEQUENCE:

wget http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/2/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi -P /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
yum -y install yum-protectbase
yum -y install yum-priorities
rpm -ivh http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/2/sl6/x86_64/base/emi-release-2.0.0-1.sl6.noarch.rpm
wget --no-check-certificate http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/certification/repos/emi2-cert-sl6-base.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/emi2-cert-sl6-base.repo
yum clean all
yum makecache
yum -y install emi-release
yum -y install yum-protectbase
yum -y install yum-priorities
yum -y install ca-policy-egi-core
yum -y install emi-wms 
yum -y install condor-emi
chown root:root /var /var/log 
source /usr/libexec/grid-env.sh; /usr/sbin/glite-wms-create-proxy.sh /var/glite/wms.proxy /var/log/wms/create_proxy.log
/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -v -s site-info.def -n WMS -n LB 
/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -d 6 -s site-info.def -n WMS -n LB
service gLite status



Unit Tests - PASSED

Basic Functionality tests


Normal - PASSED

[dongiovanni@emitestbed08 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status   https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/cO2D_FC8SJTipXc1PzwQDA
======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/cO2D_FC8SJTipXc1PzwQDA
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job Terminated Successfully
Destination:        ctb04.gridctb.uoa.gr:8443/cream-pbs-emitesters
Submitted:          Fri Aug 31 11:51:31 2012 CEST

SUBMISSION TESTSUITE: * WMSService-TS_20120903112817.log: WMSService-TS_20120903112817.log

[dongiovanni@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 1 -i 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Enter the user proxy password:
 Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 
 Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE 
 Test 1B: Submit to a CREAM CE 
 Test 1C: Submit without restrictions 
===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 11:28:17
===> Ended  : 11:46:42
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120903112817.log

Proxy mode - PASSED

SUBMISSION TESTSUITE: * WMSService-TS_20120903165714.log: WMSService-TS_20120903165714.log

[dongiovanni@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 1 -i 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Enter the user proxy password:
 Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 
 Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE 
 Test 1B: Submit to a CREAM CE 
 Test 1C: Submit without restrictions 
===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:57:14
===> Ended  : 17:33:11
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120903165714.log


[traldi@cert-25 ~]$ lcg-infosites --is egee-bdii.cnaf.infn.it --vo cms ce |grep arc
    68       0          2            1       2 arc.univ.kiev.ua:2811/nordugrid-torque-arc
   768     278        131          490     131 jade-cms.hip.fi:2811/nordugrid-GE-arc

[traldi@cert-25 ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -o test_Arc_CE.txt -e https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server -a -r jade-cms.hip.fi:2811/nordugrid-GE-arc

Connecting to the service https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:


The job identifier has been saved in the following file:


[traldi@cert-25 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OiaLvoRhCLjVwnQp84qAkQ

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OiaLvoRhCLjVwnQp84qAkQ
Current Status:     Scheduled
Status Reason:      Job successfully submitted over the Grid
Destination:        jade-cms.hip.fi:2811/nordugrid-GE-arc
Submitted:          Wed Sep 19 11:03:55 2012 CEST

[traldi@cert-25 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OiaLvoRhCLjVwnQp84qAkQ

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OiaLvoRhCLjVwnQp84qAkQ
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job terminated successfully
Destination:        jade-cms.hip.fi:2811/nordugrid-GE-arc
Submitted:          Wed Sep 19 11:03:55 2012 CEST

[traldi@cert-25 ~]$ glite-wms-job-output https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OiaLvoRhCLjVwnQp84qAkQ

Connecting to the service https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server


                       JOB GET OUTPUT OUTCOME

Output sandbox files for the job:
have been successfully retrieved and stored in the directory:


[traldi@cert-25 ~]$ cat /tmp/jobOutput/traldi_OiaLvoRhCLjVwnQp84qAkQ/stdout.log

Jdl attributes - PASSED

Define the following variables in wms-command.conf:
# For Jdl attributes tests

   * Using DEFAULTREQ=other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Testing" in wms-command.conf

$ python WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i -t 1,2
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle for normal job with non default jdl files 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Jdl with AllowZippedISB 

 Test 2: Jdl with ExpiryTime 

===> Test: WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:53:22
===> Ended  : 13:00:32
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120917125322.log

$ python WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i -t 4
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle for normal job with non default jdl files 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 4: Jdl with DataRequirements 

 Submit to CREAM CE 

 Submit to LCG CE 

===> Test: WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:55:08
===> Ended  : 13:37:37
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120919125508.log

$ python WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i -t 5
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle for normal job with non default jdl files 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 5: Jdl with InputSandboxBaseURI 

 Submit to CREAM CE 

 Submit to LCG CE 

===> Test: WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:17:56
===> Ended  : 14:47:15
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120919141756.log

$ python WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i -t 6
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle for normal job with non default jdl files 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 6: Jdl with OutputSandboxBaseDestURI 

 Submit to CREAM CE 

 Submit to LCG CE 

===> Test: WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:25:21
===> Ended  : 16:43:03
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120917162521.log

$ python WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i -t 7
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle for normal job with non default jdl files 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 7: Jdl with OutputSandboxDestURI 

 Submit to CREAM CE 

 Submit to LCG CE 

===> Test: WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:54:25
===> Ended  : 16:22:41
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120917155425.log


Bulk Submission - PASSED

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 2 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 2: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 2A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 2B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 2C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:25:59
===> Ended  : 16:01:35
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120919152559.log

$  python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 2 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 2: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 2A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 2B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 2C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:46:14
===> Ended  : 18:26:22
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120919174614.log

$  myproxy-init -d
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
Creating proxy ............................................................................ Done
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Thu Sep 27 11:08:50 2012
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco now exists on myproxy.cnaf.infn.it.

$ myproxy-logon -d --voms dteam
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
Contacting  voms2.hellasgrid.gr:15004 [/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms2.hellasgrid.gr] "dteam" Done
Creating proxy .............................................................................................. Done

Your proxy is valid until Thu Sep 20 22:09:18 2012
A credential has been received for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco in /tmp/x509up_u509.

$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
type      : proxy
strength  : 2048 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u509
timeleft  : 10:59:45
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO dteam extension information ===
VO        : dteam
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
issuer    : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms2.hellasgrid.gr
attribute : /dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:58:45
uri       : voms2.hellasgrid.gr:15004

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l -t 2
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Set 2: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 2A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 2B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 2C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 11:09:46
===> Ended  : 11:40:19
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920110946.log

All in a jdl - PASSED

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 7 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 7: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) using a single jdl with al the jdls of nodes 

 Test 7A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 7B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 7C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:35:20
===> Ended  : 17:23:09
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120919163520.log

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 7 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 7: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) using a single jdl with al the jdls of nodes 

 Test 7A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 7B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 7C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:00:16
===> Ended  : 12:41:32
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920120016.log

$  python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 7
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Set 7: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) using a single jdl with al the jdls of nodes 

 Test 7A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 7B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 7C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 13:06:41
===> Ended  : 13:46:26
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920130641.log

Parametric job - PASSED

$  python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 3 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 3: Submit a parametric job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 3A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 3B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 3C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:13:21
===> Ended  : 14:41:40
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920141321.log

$  python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu  -d 3 -l -t 3 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 3: Submit a parametric job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 3A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 3B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 3C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:46:23
===> Ended  : 15:26:47
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920144623.log

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 3
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Set 3: Submit a parametric job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 3A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 3B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 3C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:39:03
===> Ended  : 16:11:58
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920153903.log


$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 4 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 4: Submit a DAG job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:52:57
===> Ended  : 17:03:11
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920165257.log

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu  -d 3 -l -t 4 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 4: Submit a DAG job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:04:01
===> Ended  : 17:14:14
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920170401.log

$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
type      : proxy
strength  : 2048 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u509
timeleft  : 9:17:21
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO dteam extension information ===
VO        : dteam
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
issuer    : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr
attribute : /dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 10:16:20
uri       : voms.hellasgrid.gr:15004

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 4
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Set 4: Submit a DAG job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:21:35
===> Ended  : 17:31:45
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120920172135.log

Parallel job - PASSED

/tmp/tmp.SspdO32197 ~/tests/emi/wms

### Check user proxy and renew/delegate at CE

### Submit parallel job 2 CPUs
### Job to be submitted:
Executable = "/usr/bin/mpi-start";
CPUNumber  = 2;
Arguments  = "-t dummy -- counter.sh cpus 2";
InputSandbox = {"counter.sh"};
OutputSandbox = {"std.out", "std.err"};
StdOutput = "std.out";
StdError = "std.err";
Requirements = member("MPI-START", other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment)
               && other.GlueCEInfoJobManager == "pbs";

Connecting to the service https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:


The job identifier has been saved in the following file:


complete log at: * mpi_cert-27.cnaf.infn.it.log: MPI tests

Forwarding parameters for parallel jobs - Skip

Perusal - Skip

Delegation - PASSED

$  python WMS-delegation-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test delegation operation 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Check --autm-delegation option 

 Test 2: Check --delegationid option 

 Test 3: Try to delegate with a short proxy and check the validity 

 Test 4: Works with expired proxy 

 To run this test you have to set the ROLE attribute for user proxy role at configuration file 

===> Test: WMS-delegation-test.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:05:49
===> Ended  : 14:06:59
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925140549.log

$ python WMS-delegation-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test delegation operation 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Check --autm-delegation option 

 Test 2: Check --delegationid option 

 Test 3: Try to delegate with a short proxy and check the validity 

 Test 4: Works with expired proxy 

 To run this test you have to set the ROLE attribute for user proxy role at configuration file 

===> Test: WMS-delegation-test.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:06:17
===> Ended  : 14:07:38
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925140617.log

$ voms-proxy-init --voms dteam
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
Creating temporary proxy ................................. Done
Contacting  voms.hellasgrid.gr:15004 [/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr] "dteam" Done
Creating proxy ................................................ Done

Your proxy is valid until Wed Sep 26 02:10:55 2012

$ myproxy-init -d
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
Creating proxy ................. Done
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Tue Oct  2 14:11:06 2012
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco now exists on myproxy.cnaf.infn.it.
[bertocco@cert-17 WMS-service]$ myproxy-logon -d --voms dteam
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Failed to receive credentials.
ERROR from myproxy-server:
invalid credential passphrase

$ myproxy-logon -d --voms dteam
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
Contacting  voms.hellasgrid.gr:15004 [/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr] "dteam" Done
Creating proxy ..................................................................................................................................... Done

Your proxy is valid until Wed Sep 26 01:11:36 2012
A credential has been received for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco in /tmp/x509up_u509.

$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
type      : proxy
strength  : 2048 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u509
timeleft  : 10:59:48
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO dteam extension information ===
VO        : dteam
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
issuer    : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr
attribute : /dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:58:47
uri       : voms.hellasgrid.gr:15004

$ python WMS-delegation-test.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test delegation operation 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Check --autm-delegation option 

 Test 2: Check --delegationid option 

 There are other three tests which require the user proxy password. Use -i option to enable them 

===> Test: WMS-delegation-test.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:13:00
===> Ended  : 14:13:02
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925141300.log

List-match - PASSED

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

 Test 7: try a matching with data requirements 

 Test 8: try a gang-matching 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:04:42
===> Ended  : 12:05:46
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20121005120442.log

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

 Test 7: try a matching with data requirements 

 Test 8: try a gang-matching 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:06:26
===> Ended  : 12:07:33
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20121005120626.log

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ myproxy-init -d
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ............................................... Done
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Fri Oct 12 12:07:56 2012
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini now exists on myproxy.cnaf.infn.it.
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ myproxy-logon -d --voms dteam
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
Contacting  voms.hellasgrid.gr:15004 [/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr] "dteam" Done
Creating proxy ............................................................................................................................................................................. Done

Your proxy is valid until Fri Oct  5 23:08:22 2012
A credential has been received for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini in /tmp/x509up_u504.
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
type      : proxy
strength  : 2048 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u504
timeleft  : 10:59:43
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO dteam extension information ===
VO        : dteam
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini
issuer    : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr
attribute : /dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
attribute : /dteam/NGI_IT/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:58:42
uri       : voms.hellasgrid.gr:15004
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

 Test 7: try a matching with data requirements 

 Test 8: try a gang-matching 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:09:02
===> Ended  : 12:09:58
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20121005120902.log

Prologue and epilogue jobs - PASSED

$ python WMS-prologue-epilogue.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS test prologue and epilogue attributes 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Test prologue attribute 

 Test 2: Test epilogue attribute 

 Test 3: Test prologue and epilogue attributes 

===> Test: WMS-prologue-epilogue.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:34:53
===> Ended  : 14:40:44
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925143453.log

$ python WMS-prologue-epilogue.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS test prologue and epilogue attributes 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Test prologue attribute 

 Test 2: Test epilogue attribute 

 Test 3: Test prologue and epilogue attributes 

===> Test: WMS-prologue-epilogue.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:35:08
===> Ended  : 14:40:35
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925143508.log

$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
type      : proxy
strength  : 2048 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u509
timeleft  : 10:04:27
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO dteam extension information ===
VO        : dteam
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
issuer    : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr
attribute : /dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:03:26
uri       : voms.hellasgrid.gr:15004

$ python WMS-prologue-epilogue.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS test prologue and epilogue attributes 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Test prologue attribute 

 Test 2: Test epilogue attribute 

 Test 3: Test prologue and epilogue attributes 

===> Test: WMS-prologue-epilogue.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:07:24
===> Ended  : 15:13:16
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925150724.log

Shallow and deep resubmission - PASSED

$ python WMS-job-resubmit.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Resubmission Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try a shallow resubmission 

 Test 2: Try a deep resubmission 

===> Test: WMS-job-resubmit.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:12:05
===> Ended  : 15:22:43
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925151205.log

$ python WMS-job-resubmit.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Resubmission Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try a shallow resubmission 

 Test 2: Try a deep resubmission 

===> Test: WMS-job-resubmit.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:12:17
===> Ended  : 15:22:56
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925151217.log

$ python WMS-job-resubmit.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Resubmission Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Try a shallow resubmission 

 Test 2: Try a deep resubmission 

===> Test: WMS-job-resubmit.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:12:38
===> Ended  : 15:25:15
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925151238.log

Cancel - PASSED

$ python WMS-job-cancel.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Cancel Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try to cancel a normal job 

 Test 2: Try to cancel a DAG job 

 Test 3: Try to cancel one node of a DAG job 

 Test 4: Try to cancel a collection job 

 Test 5: Try to cancel one node of a collection job 

 Test 6: Try to cancel a parametric job 

 Test 7: Try to cancel one node of a parametric job 

 Test 8: Try to cancel a MPI job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cancel.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:37:16
===> Ended  : 15:51:33
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925153716.log

$  python WMS-job-cancel.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Cancel Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try to cancel a normal job 

 Test 2: Try to cancel a DAG job 

 Test 3: Try to cancel one node of a DAG job 

 Test 4: Try to cancel a collection job 

 Test 5: Try to cancel one node of a collection job 

 Test 6: Try to cancel a parametric job 

 Test 7: Try to cancel one node of a parametric job 

 Test 8: Try to cancel a MPI job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cancel.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:37:31
===> Ended  : 15:54:21
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925153731.log

$  python WMS-job-cancel.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Cancel Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Try to cancel a normal job 

 Test 2: Try to cancel a DAG job 

 Test 3: Try to cancel one node of a DAG job 

 Test 4: Try to cancel a collection job 

 Test 5: Try to cancel one node of a collection job 

 Test 6: Try to cancel a parametric job 

 Test 7: Try to cancel one node of a parametric job 

 Test 8: Try to cancel a MPI job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cancel.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:37:44
===> Ended  : 15:54:00
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120925153744.log

Proxy renewal - Skip

Limiter mechanism -

Job purge PASSED

Test 1: CREAM CE

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WxAoGrzPe1eYr1ECJvBsug

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WxAoGrzPe1eYr1ECJvBsug
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Logged Reason(s):
    - Transfer to CREAM failed due to exception: Failed to create a delegation id for job https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WxAoGrzPe1eYr1ECJvBsug: reason is CN=Fabio Capannini,L=CNAF,OU=Personal Certificate,O=INFN,C=IT not authorized for {http://www.gridsite.org/namespaces/delegation-2}getProxyReq
    - Job Terminated Successfully
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job Terminated Successfully
Destination:        cream-29.pd.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-creamcert1
Submitted:          Fri Oct  5 14:48:42 2012 CEST

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-output https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WxAoGrzPe1eYr1ECJvBsug

Connecting to the service https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server



No output files to be retrieved for the job:


[root@cert-27 ~]# ls -l /var/SandboxDir/Wx/*WxAo*
ls: impossibile accedere a /var/SandboxDir/Wx/*WxAo*: No such file or directory

===> Test PASSED

Test 2: LCG CE

[root@cert-27 ~]# ls -l /var/SandboxDir/Os/https_3a_2f_2fcert-27.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fOspx*
totale 28
drwxrwx--- 2 dteam033 glite 4096  5 ott 14:48 input
-rw-r--r-- 1 glite    glite  708  5 ott 14:48 JDLOriginal
-rw-r--r-- 1 glite    glite 2359  5 ott 14:48 JDLToStart
-rw-r--r-- 1 dteam033 dteam  157  5 ott 14:51 Maradona.output
drwxrwx--- 2 dteam033 glite 4096  5 ott 14:48 output
drwxrwx--- 2 dteam033 glite 4096  5 ott 14:48 peek
lrwxrwxrwx 1 glite    glite   64  5 ott 14:48 user.proxy -> /var/glite/spool/glite-renewd/57e4376268ba19f67cb9a3d89fe1bed4.0

[root@cert-27 ~]# ls -l /var/jobcontrol/submit/Os/
totale 44
-rw-r--r-- 1 glite glite  1767  5 ott 14:48 Condor.https_3a_2f_2fcert-27.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fOspxU2z90DRI-d0HyhdEVQ.submit
-rw-r--r-- 1 glite glite 40331  5 ott 14:48 JobWrapper.https_3a_2f_2fcert-27.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fOspxU2z90DRI-d0HyhdEVQ.sh

[root@cert-27 ~]# ls -l /var/jobcontrol/condorio/Os/
totale 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 glite glite 4096  5 ott 14:48 https_3a_2f_2fcert-27.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fOspxU2z90DRI-d0HyhdEVQ

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OspxU2z90DRI-d0HyhdEVQ

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OspxU2z90DRI-d0HyhdEVQ
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job terminated successfully
Destination:        cream-26.pd.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-creamtest1
Submitted:          Fri Oct  5 14:48:58 2012 CEST

[root@cert-27 ~]# ls -l /var/jobcontrol/condorio/Os/
totale 0
[root@cert-27 ~]# ls -l /var/jobcontrol/submit/Os/
totale 0

[root@cert-27 ~]# /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/Os -s
05 Oct, 15:26:43 -I: [Info] operator()(purger.cpp:452): https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OspxU2z90DRI-d0HyhdEVQ: removed DONE job
05 Oct, 15:26:43 -I: [Info] operator()(purger.cpp:452): https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/Osw4jkxq_fqpW7-uk6jslA: removed DONE job
05 Oct, 15:26:43 -I: [Info] operator()(purger.cpp:452): https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/Osaci17o2EjZszd6vzeQFA: removed DONE job
05 Oct, 15:26:43 -I: [Info] operator()(purger.cpp:452): https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OsVgswxzZUvHgBK7ZSb2Cw: removed DONE job
05 Oct, 15:26:43 -I: [Info] operator()(purger.cpp:359): https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OsU9p4WteaceW-TjpRfdpg: 25/25 nodes removed
05 Oct, 15:26:43 -I: [Info] operator()(purger.cpp:371): https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OsU9p4WteaceW-TjpRfdpg: removed WAITING dag 
05 Oct, 15:26:43 -I: [Info] operator()(purger.cpp:452): https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/OsOsUfhemky21jGPJ905zw: removed DONE job
[root@cert-27 ~]# 
[root@cert-27 ~]# 
[root@cert-27 ~]# ls -l /var/SandboxDir/Os/https_3a_2f_2fcert-27.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fOspx*
ls: impossibile accedere a /var/SandboxDir/Os/https_3a_2f_2fcert-27.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fOspx*: No such file or directory

===> Test PASSED

$ python WMS-check-purger.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 3
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Purge Mechanism 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 3: Test proxy cache purging 

===> Test: WMS-check-purger.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 11:49:20
===> Ended  : 11:49:21
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120928114920.log

$ python WMS-check-purger.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 4
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Purge Mechanism 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 4: SandBoxDir cron purger ( Submit a job and force its purge before it finishes ) 

===> Test: WMS-check-purger.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 11:49:26
===> Ended  : 11:51:29
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120928114926.log

$ python WMS-check-purger.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 5
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Purge Mechanism 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 5: SandBoxDir cron purger ( Purge a DONE job ) 

===> Test: WMS-check-purger.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 11:49:34
===> Ended  : 11:51:41
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120928114934.log

Configuration file - PASSED

$ python WMS-check-configuration.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l -t 1-7
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Check glite_wms.conf file 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Check common section 

 Test 2: Check JobController section 

 Test 3: Check NetworkServer section 

 Test 4: Check LogMonitor section 

 Test 5: Check WorkloadManager section 

 Test 6: Check WorkloadManagerProxy section 

 Test 7: Check ICE section 

 There is one other test which requires the YAIM_FILE configuration variable. Please set the YAIM_FILE variable in the test's configuration file 

===> Test: WMS-check-configuration.py
===> WMS: cert-27.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:11:58
===> Ended  : 14:11:59
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120928141158.log

Feedback - PASSED

Performance test -

Stress test -

Results -

Regression tests

Bugs attached to this task

glite-wms-ice-proxy-renew can block undefinitely (https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?95584) - PASSED

- A short proxy was created:
[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ voms-proxy-init --voms dteam -valid 0:10

- The submitted jdl was the following:
[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ cat bug95584.jdl 
Executable = "/bin/sleep";
Arguments = "3600";
InputSandbox = {};
OutputSandbox = {"stdout","stderr"};
requirements = RegExp("cream.*", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
where devel20 can be substituted with any public machine.

2012-10-02 15:24:55,957 DEBUG - iceCommandDelegationRenewal::renewAllDelegations() - Contacting MyProxy server [devel20.cnaf.infn.it] for user dn [/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini-/dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL] with proxy certificate [/var/ice/persist_dir/0967EBD628556327C2E3BE8DC47DAC464D1AB733.betterproxy] to renew it...
2012-10-02 15:24:55,979 ERROR - iceCommandDelegationRenewal::renewAllDelegations() - Proxy renewal failed: [ERROR - /usr/bin/glite-wms-ice-proxy-renew: glite_renewal_core_renew() failed: Error connecting Myproxy server devel20.cnaf.infn.it for proxy /var/ice/persist_dir/0967EBD628556327C2E3BE8DC47DAC464D1AB733.betterproxy: Unable to connect to to connect to devel20.cnaf.infn.it - timeout=[120] - myproxyserver=[devel20.cnaf.infn.it] - proxy=[/var/ice/persist_dir/0967EBD628556327C2E3BE8DC47DAC464D1AB733.betterproxy] - HOSTCERT=/var/glite/wms.proxy - HOSTKEY=/var/glite/wms.proxy]

getaddrinfo() sorts results according to RFC3484, but random ordering is lost (https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?82779) - PASSED

[capannini@emitestbed24 ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -e https://wms-cms-analysis.grid.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server ls.jdl

Connecting to the service https://wms010.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[capannini@emitestbed24 ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -e https://wms-cms-analysis.grid.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server ls.jdl

Connecting to the service https://wms016.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[capannini@emitestbed24 ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -e https://wms-cms-analysis.grid.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server ls.jdl

Connecting to the service https://wms019.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



Vulnerability bug in ICE's proxy renewal (Advisory-SVG-2012-4039) - PASSED

Link to Advisory: SVG:Advisory-SVG-2012-4039

Tested that jdl with nasty commands is not exectued.

2012-10-08 12:09:44,718 ERROR - iceCommandSubmit::execute() -  TID=[25977088] Error during submission of jdl= Transient Exception is:Failed to create a delegation
 id for job https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/NkVc8BIJMAXbjDGby9waeQ: reason is Authorization failure: Cannot map grid user onto a local account
2012-10-08 12:09:44,799 ERROR - iceThreadPoolWorker::body() - Command execution got FATAL exception: Error submitting job to CE [https://tutor04-cream.cnaf.infn.i
t:8443/ce-cream/services/CREAM2]: Failed to create a delegation id for job https://cert-27.cnaf.infn.it:9000/NkVc8BIJMAXbjDGby9waeQ: reason is Authorization failu
re: Cannot map grid user onto a local account
2012-10-08 12:09:54,706 ERROR - iceCommandDelegationRenewal::renewAllDelegations() - Proxy renewal failed: [ERROR - /usr/bin/glite-wms-ice-proxy-renew: glite_rene
wal_core_renew() failed: Error connecting Myproxy server emitb-myproxy.civ.zcu.cz; echo MC was here > /tmp/intrusion; for proxy /var/ice/persist_dir/84EC42AD362E6
2283BE3B74622EA779A659F7F2C.betterproxy: Unknown host "emitb-myproxy.civ.zcu.cz; echo MC was here > /tmp/intrusion;"Unable to connect to emitb-myproxy.civ.zcu.cz;
 echo MC was here > /tmp/intrusion; - timeout=[120] - myproxyserver=[emitb-myproxy.civ.zcu.cz; echo MC was here > /tmp/intrusion;] - proxy=[/var/ice/persist_dir/8
4EC42AD362E62283BE3B74622EA779A659F7F2C.betterproxy] - HOSTCERT=/var/glite/wms.proxy - HOSTKEY=/var/glite/wms.proxy]

Standard Conformance Tests

Glue 1 Compliance - PASSED

[caifti@cert-27 ~]$ glue-validator -t glue1 -h cert-27.cnaf.infn.it -p 2170 -b o=grid
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok

Ran 40 tests in 0.010s


Glue 2 Compliance PASSED

[caifti@cert-27 ~]$ glue-validator -t glue2 -h cert-27.cnaf.infn.it -p 2170 -b o=glue
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok
Validating data types. ... ok
Verifying the existence of mandatory attributes. ... ok
Verifying the object class ... ok
Verifying single-valued attributes only have one value. ... ok

Ran 40 tests in 0.009s


Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
Unknown file formatlog mpi_cert-27.cnaf.infn.it.log manage 9.9 K 2012-10-09 - 09:48 CristinaAiftimiei MPI tests
Unknown file formatlog 20120828_174227_EMI2_CERT_INSTALL_wms3.4_SL6.log manage 396.1 K 2012-08-31 - 13:35 DaniloDongiovanni  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120903112817.log manage 30.9 K 2012-09-03 - 09:58 DaniloDongiovanni  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120903165714.log manage 55.4 K 2012-09-03 - 15:44 DaniloDongiovanni  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120928141158.log manage 6.5 K 2012-09-28 - 12:13 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130218143945.log manage 7.5 K 2013-02-18 - 13:43 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetar all_in_jdl.tar manage 430.0 K 2012-09-20 - 12:11 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetar bulk_logs.tar manage 330.0 K 2012-09-20 - 09:59 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetar cancel.tar manage 330.0 K 2012-09-25 - 14:00 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetar dag.tar manage 110.0 K 2012-09-20 - 15:45 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetar delegation.tar manage 60.0 K 2012-09-25 - 13:28 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetgz list_sl6.tgz manage 2.3 K 2012-10-05 - 10:14 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetar parametric.tar manage 370.0 K 2012-09-20 - 14:51 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetar prolog_epilog.tar manage 100.0 K 2012-09-25 - 13:25 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetar purge.tar manage 50.0 K 2012-09-28 - 12:08 SaraBertocco  
Compressed Zip archivetar resubmission.tar manage 110.0 K 2012-09-25 - 13:35 SaraBertocco  
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Topic revision: r27 - 2013-02-18 - SaraBertocco
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