WMS v. 3.3.8 (ex.3.3.6) test report - IGIRTC-81


  • Component: WMS 3.3.8

  • ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi-wms_R_3_3_10_1

  • VCS Tag: emi-ice_R_3_3_6_0, emi-jobsubmission_R_3_3_3_3, emi-wmproxy_R_3_3_6_2 emi-wms-broker_R_3_3_1_3, emi-wms-brokerinfo_R_3_3_2_1, emi-wms-classad-plugin_R_3_3_1_3 emi-wms-common_R_3_3_2_0 emi-wms-configuration_R_3_3_3_2 emi-wms-helper_R_3_3_3_2 emi-wms-ism_R_3_3_2_1 emi-wms-manager_R_3_3_2_2 emi-wms-matchmaking_R_3_3_2_1 emi-wms-mp_R_1_0_3_0 emi-wms-nagios_R_1_0_0_3 emi-wms-purger_R_3_3_2_1 emi-yaim-wms_R_4_1_6_1 glite-wms-utils-exception_R_3_2_2_2 glite-wms-utils-classad_R_3_2_2_2 glite-jdl-api-cpp_R_3_2_6_1

  • EMI Major Release: EMI 1 (Kebnekaise)

  • Platform: sl5 epel

  • Outcome: Certified

Deployment Tests

Clean installation

  • Starting from a SL5 x86_64 kernel machine:
[root@emi-demo12 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Scientific Linux SL release 5.7 (Boron)
[root@emi-demo12 ~]# uname -a
Linux emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it 2.6.18-274.12.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Nov 29 11:14:39 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@emi-demo12 ~]# wget http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi -O /tmp/emi-key_gd.asc
[root@emi-demo12 ~]# rpm --import /tmp/emi-key_gd.asc


[root@cert-26 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux release 5.8 (Boron)
[root@cert-26 ~]# uname -a
Linux cert-26.cnaf.infn.it 2.6.18-308.8.2.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jun 12 11:25:25 EDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@cert-26 ~]# wget http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi -O /tmp/emi-key_gd.asc
--2012-06-28 15:15:46--  http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi
Risoluzione di emisoft.web.cern.ch...
Connessione a emisoft.web.cern.ch||:80... connesso.
HTTP richiesta inviata, in attesa di risposta... 200 OK
Lunghezza: 1726 (1,7K) [text/plain]
Salvataggio in: "/tmp/emi-key_gd.asc"

100%[===================================================================================================>] 1.726       --.-K/s   in 0s      

2012-06-28 15:15:46 (183 MB/s) - "/tmp/emi-key_gd.asc" salvato [1726/1726]

[root@cert-26 ~]# rpm --import /tmp/emi-key_gd.asc

  • /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s siteinfo/site-info.def -n WMS

Unit Tests

N/A: Tests will be available with EMI-2.

Basic Functionality tests



[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 1 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:27:37
===> Ended  : 15:30:17
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120625152737.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 1 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:57:22
===> Ended  : 16:07:35
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120625155722.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers2.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 1 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:05:58
===> Ended  : 16:37:49
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120625160558.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ myproxy-init -d
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini
Creating proxy ................................................................................ Done
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Mon Jul  2 16:08:41 2012
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini now exists on myproxy.cnaf.infn.it.
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ myproxy-logon -d --voms dteam
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
Contacting  voms2.hellasgrid.gr:15004 [/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms2.hellasgrid.gr] "dteam" Done
Creating proxy ...................................................... Done

Your proxy is valid until Tue Jun 26 03:09:22 2012
A credential has been received for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini in /tmp/x509up_u504.
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
type      : proxy
strength  : 2048 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u504
timeleft  : 10:59:43
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO dteam extension information ===
VO        : dteam
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini
issuer    : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms2.hellasgrid.gr
attribute : /dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
attribute : /dteam/NGI_IT/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:58:43
uri       : voms2.hellasgrid.gr:15004
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l -t 1
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:16:37
===> Ended  : 16:52:55
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120625161637.log

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 1 -i ===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service ===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output ===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general)

Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE

Test 1B: Submit to a CREAM CE

Test 1C: Submit without restrictions

===> ===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py ===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it ===> Started: 16:20:30 ===> Ended : 16:58:58 ===> =>     test PASSED == ===> ===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120831162030.log

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 1 -i ===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service ===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output ===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general)

Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE

Test 1B: Submit to a CREAM CE

Test 1C: Submit without restrictions

===> ===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py ===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it ===> Started: 16:16:29 ===> Ended : 16:46:25 ===> =>     test PASSED == ===> ===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120831161629.log

Proxy mode

Pointing the testsuite at cert-26.cnaf.infn.it:
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 1 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 1B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 1C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: cert-26.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:24:15
===> Ended  : 17:57:55
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120628172415.log


[cristofori@ui ~]$ lcg-infosites --is egee-bdii.cnaf.infn.it --vo cms ce 
|grep arc
      68       0         16            4      16 
     768     408       3605          360    3605 

[cristofori@ui ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -e 
https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server -a -r 
jade-cms.hip.fi:2811/nordugrid-GE-arc firsttest.jdl

Connecting to the service 

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[cristofori@ui ~]$ glite-wms-job-status 

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : 
Current Status:     Scheduled
Status Reason:      Job successfully submitted over the Grid
Destination:        jade-cms.hip.fi:2811/nordugrid-GE-arc
Submitted:          Thu Jun 28 17:17:29 2012 CEST

[cristofori@ui ~]$ glite-wms-job-status 

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : 
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job terminated successfully
Destination:        jade-cms.hip.fi:2811/nordugrid-GE-arc
Submitted:          Thu Jun 28 17:17:29 2012 CEST

[cristofori@ui ~]$  glite-wms-job-output --dir ./ 

Connecting to the service 


                         JOB GET OUTPUT OUTCOME

Output sandbox files for the job:
have been successfully retrieved and stored in the directory:


[cristofori@ui ~]$ cat 
[cristofori@ui ~]$ cat 

Jdl with DataRequirements

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ cat JDLs/data-req.jdl 
#      JDL with Data Requirements         #

Executable = "/bin/ls";
Arguments = "-la";
StdOutput = "std.out";
StdError = "std.err";
Prologue = "prologue.sh";

FuzzyRank = true;
Environment={"LFC_HOST=prod-lfc-shared-central.cern.ch", "LFC_HOME=prod-lfc-shared-central.cern.ch:/grid/dteam/aleph"};
InputSandbox = {"JDLs/prologue.sh"};
OutputSandbox = {"std.out", "std.err","prologue.out", "PI_1M.txt"};

DataRequirements = {
DataCatalogType = "DLI";
DataCatalog ="http://prod-lfc-shared-central.cern.ch:8085/"; 
InputData = { "lfn:/grid/dteam/fcapanni/PI_1M.txt" };

DataAccessProtocol = "gsiftp";
RetryCount = 1;
ShallowRetryCount = 2;
requirements = !RegExp(".*cream.*", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 1 -i -j JDLs/data-req.jdl
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 1: Submit a normal job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 1A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:22:13
===> Ended  : 17:26:54
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120625172213.log

Jdl with ISBBaseURI and OSBDestURI

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ cat URI.jdl 
#      JDL with ISBURI & OSBDestURI       #

Executable = "exe.sh";
StdOutput = "std.out";
StdError = "std.err";

InputSandboxBaseURI = "gsiftp://emi-demo11.cnaf.infn.it:2811/tmp";

FuzzyRank = true;
InputSandbox = {"exe.sh", "test1", "test2"};
OutputSandbox = {"std.out", "std.err"};
OutputSandboxDestURI = {"gsiftp://emi-demo11.cnaf.infn.it:2811/tmp/myjobOutput", "std.err"};

#requirements = ( other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Testing" ) &&  regexp("/cream", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
requirements = !regexp("/cream", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
DataAccessProtocol = "gsiftp";
RetryCount = 1;
ShallowRetryCount = 2;

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ scp tmp/exe.sh test1 test2 root@emi-demo11:/tmp
root@emi-demo11's password: 
exe.sh                                                                                                     100%   80     0.1KB/s   00:00    
test1                                                                                                      100%    6     0.0KB/s   00:00    
test2                                                                                                      100%    6     0.0KB/s   00:00    

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -c ~/wms_emi-demo12.conf URI.jdl 

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/6gZT7jcwMdEfFELEi3dDpA

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/6gZT7jcwMdEfFELEi3dDpA
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job terminated successfully
Destination:        prod-ce-02.pd.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert
Submitted:          Tue Jun 26 11:34:18 2012 CEST

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-output https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/6gZT7jcwMdEfFELEi3dDpA

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server



Output sandbox files for the job:
have been successfully retrieved and stored in the directory:


[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ ls -l /tmp/jobOutput/capannini_6gZT7jcwMdEfFELEi3dDpA
totale 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 capannini emitestbed 0 26 giu 11:54 std.err

Log on emi-demo11:

[root@emi-demo11 siteinfoBKP]# cat /tmp/myjobOutput
total 36
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dteam021 dteam  80 Jun 26 11:35 exe.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 dteam021 dteam 118 Jun 26 11:36 https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2f6gZT7jcwMdEfFELEi3dDpA.output
-rw-r--r-- 1 dteam021 dteam   0 Jun 26 11:36 std.err
-rw-r--r-- 1 dteam021 dteam  23 Jun 26 11:36 std.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 dteam021 dteam   6 Jun 26 11:35 test1
-rw-r--r-- 1 dteam021 dteam   6 Jun 26 11:35 test2
-rw------- 1 dteam021 dteam 103 Jun 26 11:35 tmp.dcIJc30890
-rw------- 1 dteam021 dteam   0 Jun 26 11:36 tmp.fEchX31965
-rw------- 1 dteam021 dteam   2 Jun 26 11:35 tmp.NjTgx30889
-rw------- 1 dteam021 dteam 103 Jun 26 11:36 tmp.rUzky31978
-rw------- 1 dteam021 dteam   2 Jun 26 11:36 tmp.sGHmx31972

===> Test PASSED

Jdl with ISBBaseURI and OSBBaseDestURI

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -c ~/wms_emi-demo12.conf BaseURI.jdl 

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/akrnbb99GGh4yRiZ7g5Ktw

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/akrnbb99GGh4yRiZ7g5Ktw
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Logged Reason(s):
    - Job terminated successfully
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job terminated successfully
Destination:        cmsrm-ce02.roma1.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cmsgcert
Submitted:          Tue Jun 26 12:00:47 2012 CEST

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-output https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/akrnbb99GGh4yRiZ7g5Ktw

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server



No output files to be retrieved for the job:


On devel20:
[root@devel20 ~]# ls -lrt /tmp/
totale 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 root     root  4096 21 mar 11:32 hsperfdata_root
-rw-r--r-- 1 glite    glite    4 16 mag 10:36 glite-wms-workload_manager.pid
srwx------ 1 glite    glite    0 16 mag 10:36 lb_proxy_store.sock
srwx------ 1 glite    glite    0 16 mag 10:36 lb_proxy_serve.sock
srw------- 1 glite    glite    0 16 mag 10:36 dgpr_renew_155
drwxr-xr-x 2 glite    glite 4096 16 mag 10:36 condor-lock.devel200.38608921117066
-rw-r--r-- 1 dteam005 dteam  714 26 giu 12:16 std.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 dteam005 dteam    0 26 giu 12:16 std.err
srwx------ 1 glite    glite    0 26 giu 14:08 glite-lbproxy-ilog.sock
srwx------ 1 glite    glite    0 26 giu 14:08 glite-lb-notif.sock
===> Test PASSED

Jdl with AllowZippedISB

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-submit --debug -a -c ~/wms_emi-demo12.conf AllowZIP.jdl 
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Vo read from proxy certificate extension
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - VirtualOrganisation value : dteam
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Configuration file: /home/capannini/wms_emi-demo12.conf - VirtualOrganisation, RetryCount, rank, requirements attribute(s) no more supported outside JDL Default Attributes section "JdlDefaultAttributes"
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Loaded user configuration file:
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Configuration file: //etc/glite-wms/dteam/glite_wmsui.conf - VirtualOrganisation, MyProxyServer attribute(s) no more supported outside JDL Default Attributes section "JdlDefaultAttributes"
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Loaded Vo specific configuration file:
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Loaded Configuration values: 
  JdlDefaultAttributes = 
    PerusalFileEnable = false; 
    ShallowRetryCount = 10; 
    SignificantAttributes = { "Requirements","Rank","FuzzyRank" }; 
    RetryCount = 3; 
    AllowZippedISB = true; 
    VirtualOrganisation = "dteam"; 
    rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; 
    MyProxyServer = "myproxy.cnaf.infn.it"; 
    requirements = true
  OutputStorage = "/tmp"; 
  ListenerStorage = "/tmp"; 
  ErrorStorage = "/var/tmp"; 
  WmProxyEndPoints = { "https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server" }
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Getting Endpoint URL from configuration file 

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy getVersion service
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - WMProxy Version: 3.3.6 
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Sending Proxy Request to https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy delegationns__getProxyReq service
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - delegationns__getProxyReq -  The proxy has been successfully retrieved
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy delegationns__putProxyReq service
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - The proxy has been successfully delegated with the identifier: n1u9-0gvhYUxoNK568Q38g
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy getTransferProtocols service
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - getTransferProtocols -  Available protocols: gsiftp, https
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - FileTransferProtocol not specified; using the default protocol: gsiftp
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - The JDL file is: /home/capannini/certification.nocream/AllowZIP.jdl
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Retrieving the list of the local ISB files from the user JDL 
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Total size of the ISB file(s) to be transferred to: 1126406
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Max single job size of the ISB file(s) to be transferred to: 1024000
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Checking the User-FreeQuota on the server 
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy getFreeQuota service
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - getFreeQuota -  User freequota not set on the server
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Getting the max ISB size from the server https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy getMaxInputSandboxSize service
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - getMaxInputSandboxSize -  Max ISB size information successfully retrieved
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - The max job size (1024000 bytes) doesn't exceed the max size limit of 100000000 bytes: File transfer is allowed
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - File archiving and file compression allowed by user in the JDL
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Registering JDL [ StdOutput = "std.out"; ShallowRetryCount = 2; SignificantAttributes = { "Requirements","Rank","FuzzyRank" }; RetryCount = 1; Executable = "/bin/ls"; Type = "job"; Arguments = "-la"; AllowZippedISB = true; VirtualOrganisation = "dteam"; JobType = "normal"; DefaultRank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; ZippedISB = { "ISBfiles_ghd5_W4ac7r1ov9MxINSSw_0.tar.gz" }; OutputSandbox = { "std.out","std.err" }; InputSandbox = { "file:///home/capannini/certification.nocream/fileA","file:///home/capannini/certification.nocream/fileB","file:///home/capannini/certification.nocream/fileC","file:///home/capannini/certification.nocream/fileD","file:///home/capannini/certification.nocream/fileE" }; StdError = "std.err"; rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; MyProxyServer = "myproxy.cnaf.infn.it"; requirements = (  !regexp("/cream",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( true ) ]
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Registering the job to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy jobRegister service
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - The JobId is:  https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/GsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Archiving the ISB files: /tmp/ISBfiles_ghd5_W4ac7r1ov9MxINSSw_0.tar
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - This archive file has been successfully created: /tmp/ISBfiles_ghd5_W4ac7r1ov9MxINSSw_0.tar
26 June 2012, 14:15:47 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Compressing the file (.gz): /tmp/ISBfiles_ghd5_W4ac7r1ov9MxINSSw_0.tar
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - ISB ZIPPED file successfully created: /tmp/ISBfiles_ghd5_W4ac7r1ov9MxINSSw_0.tar.gz
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Getting the SandboxDestinationURI from the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy getSandboxDestURI service with gsiftp protocol 
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - getSandboxDestURI -  Destination URIs sucessfully retrieved
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - DestinationURI: gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/Gs/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fGsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw/input
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - FileTransfer (gsiftp): using globus-url-copy to transfer the local InputSandBox file(s) to the submission endpoint
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - File Transfer (gsiftp) 
 Command: /usr/bin/globus-url-copy
Source: file:///tmp/ISBfiles_ghd5_W4ac7r1ov9MxINSSw_0.tar.gz
Destination: gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/Gs/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fGsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw/input/ISBfiles_ghd5_W4ac7r1ov9MxINSSw_0.tar.gz
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - File Transfer (gsiftp) Transfer successfully done
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Starting the job:  https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/GsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy jobStart service
26 June 2012, 14:15:48 -I- PID: 5554 (Debug) - jobStart -  The job has been successfully started

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



      *** Log file created ***
Possible Errors and Debug messages have been printed in the following file:

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-info --jdl https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/GsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw|grep Allow
  AllowZippedISB = true; 

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/GsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/GsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job terminated successfully
Destination:        grid-ce.lns.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-cert
Submitted:          Tue Jun 26 14:15:43 2012 CEST

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-output https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/GsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server



Output sandbox files for the job:
have been successfully retrieved and stored in the directory:


[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ ls -l /tmp/jobOutput/capannini_GsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw
totale 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 capannini emitestbed    0 26 giu 14:57 std.err
-rw-r--r-- 1 capannini emitestbed 1026 26 giu 14:58 std.out
[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ cat /tmp/jobOutput/capannini_GsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw/std.out 
total 1152
drwxr-xr-x  2 dteam050 dteam    4096 Jun 26 14:16 .
drwx------  5 dteam050 dteam    4096 Jun 26 14:16 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam    2083 Jun 26 14:16 .BrokerInfo
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam       2 Jun 26 14:16 fileA
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam       2 Jun 26 14:16 fileB
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam 1024000 Jun 26 14:16 fileC
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam  102400 Jun 26 14:16 fileD
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam       2 Jun 26 14:16 fileE
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam     118 Jun 26 14:16 https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fGsZGTdUyc4ywimUFlJBWiw.output
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam       0 Jun 26 14:16 std.err
-rw-r--r--  1 dteam050 dteam       0 Jun 26 14:16 std.out
-rw-------  1 dteam050 dteam     103 Jun 26 14:16 tmp.QpWko27495
-rw-------  1 dteam050 dteam       0 Jun 26 14:16 tmp.RPbTB27493
-rw-------  1 dteam050 dteam     103 Jun 26 14:16 tmp.UeDcI27480
-rw-------  1 dteam050 dteam       2 Jun 26 14:16 tmp.wmahM27479
-rw-------  1 dteam050 dteam       2 Jun 26 14:16 tmp.WStXL27494
====> Test PASSED

Jdl with ExpiryTime

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ date +%s

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ cat ExpiryTime.jdl 
#       JDL with ExpiryTime attribute     #

Executable = "/bin/ls";
Arguments = "-la";
StdOutput = "std.out";
StdError = "std.err";

InputSandbox = {"fileA", "fileB", "fileC", "fileD", "fileE"};
OutputSandbox = {"std.out", "std.err"};

requirements = false;

ExpiryTime = 1340716700;

RetryCount = 1;
ShallowRetryCount = 2;
[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -c ~/wms_emi-demo12.conf ExpiryTime.jdl 

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/t3PS5qg5zqD0SeI0cMKqmQ

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/t3PS5qg5zqD0SeI0cMKqmQ
Current Status:     Waiting 
Status Reason:      BrokerHelper: no compatible resources
Submitted:          Tue Jun 26 15:17:36 2012 CEST

[capannini@cert-17 certification.nocream]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/t3PS5qg5zqD0SeI0cMKqmQ

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/t3PS5qg5zqD0SeI0cMKqmQ
Current Status:     Aborted 
Status Reason:      request expired
Submitted:          Tue Jun 26 15:17:36 2012 CEST
===> Test PASSED


Bulk submission

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 2 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 2: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 2A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 2B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 2C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:34:29
===> Ended  : 13:23:54
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120628123429.log
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/capannini
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 2 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 2: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 2A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 2B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 2C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:02:01
===> Ended  : 14:30:49
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120628140201.log

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ myproxy-init -d
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini
Creating proxy ........................................................................................................ Done
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Thu Jul  5 14:13:06 2012
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini now exists on myproxy.cnaf.infn.it.
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ myproxy-logon -d --voms dteam
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
Contacting  voms2.hellasgrid.gr:15004 [/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms2.hellasgrid.gr] "dteam" Done
Creating proxy ........................................................................................... Done

Your proxy is valid until Fri Jun 29 01:13:41 2012
A credential has been received for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini in /tmp/x509up_u504.
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
type      : proxy
strength  : 2048 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u504
timeleft  : 10:59:49
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO dteam extension information ===
VO        : dteam
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini
issuer    : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms2.hellasgrid.gr
attribute : /dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
attribute : /dteam/NGI_IT/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:58:48
uri       : voms2.hellasgrid.gr:15004
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l -t 2
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Set 2: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 2A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 2B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 2C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:14:05
===> Ended  : 14:27:05
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120628141405.log

All in a jdl

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 7 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 7: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) using a single jdl with al the jdls of nodes 

 Test 7A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 7B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 7C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:38:29
===> Ended  : 16:18:33
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120628143829.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 7 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 7: Submit a bulk of jobs (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) using a single jdl with al the jdls of nodes 

 Test 7A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 7B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 7C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:23:24
===> Ended  : 17:07:42
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120628162324.log

Parametric job

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu  -d 3 -l -t 3 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 3: Submit a parametric job (3 cases LCG-CE, CREAM, general) 

 Test 3A: Submit to an LCG-CE 

 Test 3B: Submit to a CREAM CE 

 Test 3C: Submit without restrictions 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:34:22
===> Ended  : 15:43:23
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120703143422.log

Dag job

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 4 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 4: Submit a DAG job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 10:59:01
===> Ended  : 12:02:52
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702105901.log

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu  -d 3 -l -t 4 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 4: Submit a DAG job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 10:59:21
===> Ended  : 12:03:00
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702105921.log

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 4
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Set 4: Submit a DAG job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 10:59:49
===> Ended  : 12:02:53
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702105949.log

Testing forwarding parameters for parallel jobs

In order to test the passing of mpi parameters (wholenodes,smpgranularity,cpunumber,hostnumber) to the ce, an mpi jdl is submitted with varying values for the parameters, specifying a cream CE as destination. Then the cream jobid is retrieved via a glite-wms-job-logging-info -v 2 ("Dest jobid" field of a Transfer event).Finally the cream jdl is found via glite-ce-job-status -L 2 <cream-jobid>.

The following jdls were submitted:


Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh";
StdOutput  = "hello.out";
StdError   = "hello.err";
OutputSandbox = {"hello.out","hello.err"};
InputSandbox = {"/home/capannini/certification/mpi/openmpi-wrapper.sh","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/hello.c","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/Makefile"};
Requirements = Member ("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
WholeNodes = true;
SMPGranularity = 2;
Hostnumber = 1;
Resulting cream JDL:
JDL            = [[ CEInfoHostName = "cert-ce-01.cnaf.infn.it"; OutputSandboxPath = "/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/output"; StdOutput = "hello.out"; BatchSystem = "pbs"; GlobusResourceContactString = "cert-ce-01.cnaf.infn.it:8443/cream-pbs"; QueueName = "cert"; ShallowRetryCount = 10; SignificantAttributes = { "Requirements","Rank","FuzzyRank" }; RetryCount = 3; Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh"; Type = "job"; LB_sequence_code = "UI=000000:NS=0000000004:WM=000005:BH=0000000000:JSS=000002:LM=000002:LRMS=000000:APP=000000:LBS=000000"; Arguments = "hello"; AllowZippedISB = true; maxOutputSandboxSize = -1.000000000000000E+00; VirtualOrganisation = "dteam"; JobType = "normal"; DefaultRank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; ce_id = "cert-ce-01.cnaf.infn.it:8443/cream-pbs-cert"; ZippedISB = { "ISBfiles_sKVKJJgGMUeK6H6RwhcWBQ_0.tar.gz" }; OutputSandboxDestURI = { "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/output/hello.out","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/output/hello.err" }; OutputSandbox = { "hello.out","hello.err" }; CeRequirements = "( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && Member(\"OPENMPI\",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) ) ) ) ) ) ) && ( true && ( ( ShortDeadlineJob is true ) ? false : true ) && ( EnableWmsFeedback is true ? true : true ) )"; InputSandbox = { "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/input/openmpi-wrapper.sh","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/input/hello.c","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/input/Makefile","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/input/.BrokerInfo" }; edg_jobid = "https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/xtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA"; VOMS_FQAN = "/dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL"; CertificateSubject = "/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini"; StdError = "hello.err"; SMPGranularity = 2; InputSandboxPath = "/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/input"; CeApplicationDir = "/opt/exp_soft/dteam"; ReallyRunningToken = "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/token.txt_0"; rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; WholeNodes = true; CpuNumber = 2; WMSHostname = "emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it"; lrms_type = "pbs"; MyProxyServer = "myproxy.cnaf.infn.it"; X509UserProxy = "/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA/user.proxy"; InputSandboxDestFileName = { "openmpi-wrapper.sh","hello.c","Makefile" }; Hostnumber = 1; requirements = ( ( ( ( ( ( Member("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( true ) ) && other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= 2 ) && other.GlueHostArchitectureSMPSize >= SMPGranularity ) && other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= 2 ) && other.GlueHostArchitectureSMPSize >= SMPGranularity ) && ( ( ( ShortDeadlineJob is true ) ? RegExp(".*sdj$",other.GlueCEUniqueID) :  !RegExp(".*sdj$",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( other.GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs == 0 || other.GlueCEStateTotalJobs < other.GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs ) && ( EnableWmsFeedback is true ? RegExp("cream",other.GlueCEImplementationName,"i") : true ) ); WMPInputSandboxBaseURI = "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/xt/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fxtXTZHqgFsO-U5-LktmARA" ]]
Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh";
StdOutput  = "hello.out";
StdError   = "hello.err";
OutputSandbox = {"hello.out","hello.err"};
InputSandbox = {"/home/capannini/certification/mpi/openmpi-wrapper.sh","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/hello.c","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/Makefile"};
Requirements = Member ("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
WholeNodes = true;
SMPGranularity = 2;
Resulting ce JDL:
JDL            = [[ CEInfoHostName = "cex.grid.unipg.it"; OutputSandboxPath = "/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/output"; StdOutput = "hello.out"; BatchSystem = "pbs"; GlobusResourceContactString = "cex.grid.unipg.it:8443/cream-pbs"; QueueName = "cert"; ShallowRetryCount = 10; SignificantAttributes = { "Requirements","Rank","FuzzyRank" }; RetryCount = 3; Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh"; Type = "job"; LB_sequence_code = "UI=000000:NS=0000000004:WM=000017:BH=0000000000:JSS=000006:LM=000022:LRMS=000000:APP=000000:LBS=000000"; Arguments = "hello"; AllowZippedISB = true; maxOutputSandboxSize = -1.000000000000000E+00; VirtualOrganisation = "dteam"; JobType = "normal"; DefaultRank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; ce_id = "cex.grid.unipg.it:8443/cream-pbs-cert"; ZippedISB = { "ISBfiles_4dXYGVKTKVRagB4f-hex8Q_0.tar.gz" }; OutputSandboxDestURI = { "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/output/hello.out","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/output/hello.err" }; OutputSandbox = { "hello.out","hello.err" }; CeRequirements = "( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && Member(\"OPENMPI\",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) ) ) ) ) && ( true && ( ( ShortDeadlineJob is true ) ? false : true ) && ( EnableWmsFeedback is true ? true : true ) )"; InputSandbox = { "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/input/openmpi-wrapper.sh","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/input/hello.c","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/input/Makefile","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/input/.BrokerInfo" }; edg_jobid = "https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/lYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw"; VOMS_FQAN = "/dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL"; CertificateSubject = "/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini"; StdError = "hello.err"; SMPGranularity = 2; InputSandboxPath = "/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/input"; CeApplicationDir = "/opt/exp_soft/dteam"; ReallyRunningToken = "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/token.txt_0"; rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; WholeNodes = true; edg_previous_matches = { "grisuce.scope.unina.it","emi-ce01.scope.unina.it" }; ReplansCount = 0; WMSHostname = "emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it"; lrms_type = "torque"; MyProxyServer = "myproxy.cnaf.infn.it"; edg_previous_matches_ex = { [ timestamp = 1341236596; ce_id = "grisuce.scope.unina.it" ],[ timestamp = 1341236597; ce_id = "emi-ce01.scope.unina.it" ] }; X509UserProxy = "/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw/user.proxy"; InputSandboxDestFileName = { "openmpi-wrapper.sh","hello.c","Makefile" }; requirements = ( ( ( ( Member("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( true ) ) && other.GlueHostArchitectureSMPSize >= SMPGranularity ) && other.GlueHostArchitectureSMPSize >= SMPGranularity ) && ( ( ( ShortDeadlineJob is true ) ? RegExp(".*sdj$",other.GlueCEUniqueID) :  !RegExp(".*sdj$",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( other.GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs == 0 || other.GlueCEStateTotalJobs < other.GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs ) && ( EnableWmsFeedback is true ? RegExp("cream",other.GlueCEImplementationName,"i") : true ) ); WMPInputSandboxBaseURI = "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/lY/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2flYvOaWtj5auRglvI-uSZpw" ]]
Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh";
StdOutput  = "hello.out";
StdError   = "hello.err";
OutputSandbox = {"hello.out","hello.err"};
InputSandbox = {"/home/capannini/certification/mpi/openmpi-wrapper.sh","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/hello.c","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/Makefile"};
Requirements = Member ("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
WholeNodes = false;
SMPGranularity = 3;
Hostnumber = 1;

Submission result:

[capannini@cert-17 mpi]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -c ~/wms_emi-demo12.conf mpi.jdl 

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

Error - 
SMPGranularity and HostNumber are mutually exclusive when WholeNodes allocation is not requested: wrong combination of values
Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh";
StdOutput  = "hello.out";
StdError   = "hello.err";
OutputSandbox = {"hello.out","hello.err"};
InputSandbox = {"/home/capannini/certification/mpi/openmpi-wrapper.sh","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/hello.c","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/Makefile"};
Requirements = Member ("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
WholeNodes = false;
SMPGranularity = 3;
Resulting ce JDL:
JDL            = [[ CEInfoHostName = "ng-ce.grid.unipg.it"; OutputSandboxPath = "/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/output"; StdOutput = "hello.out"; BatchSystem = "pbs"; GlobusResourceContactString = "ng-ce.grid.unipg.it:8443/cream-pbs"; QueueName = "cert"; ShallowRetryCount = 10; SignificantAttributes = { "Requirements","Rank","FuzzyRank" }; RetryCount = 3; Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh"; Type = "job"; LB_sequence_code = "UI=000000:NS=0000000004:WM=000011:BH=0000000000:JSS=000004:LM=000012:LRMS=000000:APP=000000:LBS=000000"; Arguments = "hello"; AllowZippedISB = true; maxOutputSandboxSize = -1.000000000000000E+00; VirtualOrganisation = "dteam"; JobType = "normal"; DefaultRank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; ce_id = "ng-ce.grid.unipg.it:8443/cream-pbs-cert"; ZippedISB = { "ISBfiles_IC2yIMsun757SF2rrFtzqA_0.tar.gz" }; OutputSandboxDestURI = { "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/output/hello.out","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/output/hello.err" }; OutputSandbox = { "hello.out","hello.err" }; CeRequirements = "( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && Member(\"OPENMPI\",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) ) ) ) ) ) ) && ( true && ( ( ShortDeadlineJob is true ) ? false : true ) && ( EnableWmsFeedback is true ? true : true ) )"; InputSandbox = { "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/input/openmpi-wrapper.sh","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/input/hello.c","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/input/Makefile","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/input/.BrokerInfo" }; edg_jobid = "https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/nM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g"; VOMS_FQAN = "/dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL"; CertificateSubject = "/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini"; StdError = "hello.err"; SMPGranularity = 3; InputSandboxPath = "/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/input"; CeApplicationDir = "/opt/exp_soft/dteam"; ReallyRunningToken = "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/token.txt_0"; rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; WholeNodes = false; CpuNumber = 3; edg_previous_matches = { "ce.scope.unina.it" }; ReplansCount = 0; WMSHostname = "emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it"; lrms_type = "torque"; MyProxyServer = "myproxy.cnaf.infn.it"; edg_previous_matches_ex = { [ timestamp = 1341237438; ce_id = "ce.scope.unina.it" ] }; X509UserProxy = "/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g/user.proxy"; InputSandboxDestFileName = { "openmpi-wrapper.sh","hello.c","Makefile" }; requirements = ( ( ( ( ( ( Member("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( true ) ) && other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= 3 ) && other.GlueHostArchitectureSMPSize >= SMPGranularity ) && other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= 3 ) && other.GlueHostArchitectureSMPSize >= SMPGranularity ) && ( ( ( ShortDeadlineJob is true ) ? RegExp(".*sdj$",other.GlueCEUniqueID) :  !RegExp(".*sdj$",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( other.GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs == 0 || other.GlueCEStateTotalJobs < other.GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs ) && ( EnableWmsFeedback is true ? RegExp("cream",other.GlueCEImplementationName,"i") : true ) ); WMPInputSandboxBaseURI = "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/nM/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fnM8Uj4qxVn2csciKW9eh2g" ]]
Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh";
StdOutput  = "hello.out";
StdError   = "hello.err";
OutputSandbox = {"hello.out","hello.err"};
InputSandbox = {"/home/capannini/certification/mpi/openmpi-wrapper.sh","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/hello.c","/home/capannini/certification/mpi/Makefile"};
Requirements = Member ("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*", other.GlueCEUniqueID);
WholeNodes = true;
SMPGranularity = 8;
Hostnumber = 2;
Resulting ce JDL:
JDL            = [[ CEInfoHostName = "gridsrv2-4.dir.garr.it"; OutputSandboxPath = "/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/output"; StdOutput = "hello.out"; BatchSystem = "pbs"; GlobusResourceContactString = "gridsrv2-4.dir.garr.it:8443/cream-pbs"; QueueName = "cert"; ShallowRetryCount = 10; SignificantAttributes = { "Requirements","Rank","FuzzyRank" }; RetryCount = 3; Executable = "openmpi-wrapper.sh"; Type = "job"; LB_sequence_code = "UI=000000:NS=0000000004:WM=000017:BH=0000000000:JSS=000006:LM=000022:LRMS=000000:APP=000000:LBS=000000"; Arguments = "hello"; AllowZippedISB = true; maxOutputSandboxSize = -1.000000000000000E+00; VirtualOrganisation = "dteam"; JobType = "normal"; DefaultRank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; ce_id = "gridsrv2-4.dir.garr.it:8443/cream-pbs-cert"; ZippedISB = { "ISBfiles_vh0tUb1uOBxl3Nj8-svtgw_0.tar.gz" }; OutputSandboxDestURI = { "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/output/hello.out","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/output/hello.err" }; OutputSandbox = { "hello.out","hello.err" }; CeRequirements = "( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && ( true && Member(\"OPENMPI\",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) ) ) ) ) ) ) && ( true && ( ( ShortDeadlineJob is true ) ? false : true ) && ( EnableWmsFeedback is true ? true : true ) )"; InputSandbox = { "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/input/openmpi-wrapper.sh","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/input/hello.c","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/input/Makefile","gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/input/.BrokerInfo" }; edg_jobid = "https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/XH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA"; VOMS_FQAN = "/dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL"; CertificateSubject = "/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini"; StdError = "hello.err"; SMPGranularity = 8; InputSandboxPath = "/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/input"; CeApplicationDir = "/opt/exp_soft/dteam"; ReallyRunningToken = "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/token.txt_0"; rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; WholeNodes = true; CpuNumber = 8; edg_previous_matches = { "ce.scope.unina.it","grisuce.scope.unina.it" }; ReplansCount = 0; WMSHostname = "emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it"; lrms_type = "pbs"; MyProxyServer = "myproxy.cnaf.infn.it"; edg_previous_matches_ex = { [ timestamp = 1341238279; ce_id = "ce.scope.unina.it" ],[ timestamp = 1341238280; ce_id = "grisuce.scope.unina.it" ] }; X509UserProxy = "/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA/user.proxy"; InputSandboxDestFileName = { "openmpi-wrapper.sh","hello.c","Makefile" }; Hostnumber = 2; requirements = ( ( ( ( ( ( Member("OPENMPI",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment) && RegExp(".*cream.*",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( true ) ) && other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= 8 ) && other.GlueHostArchitectureSMPSize >= SMPGranularity ) && other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= 8 ) && other.GlueHostArchitectureSMPSize >= SMPGranularity ) && ( ( ( ShortDeadlineJob is true ) ? RegExp(".*sdj$",other.GlueCEUniqueID) :  !RegExp(".*sdj$",other.GlueCEUniqueID) ) && ( other.GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs == 0 || other.GlueCEStateTotalJobs < other.GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs ) && ( EnableWmsFeedback is true ? RegExp("cream",other.GlueCEImplementationName,"i") : true ) ); WMPInputSandboxBaseURI = "gsiftp://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:2811/var/SandboxDir/XH/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXH4DRPKTlCxGt5uL3NyVjA" ]]
===> Test PASSED


[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 6 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 6: Submit a perusal job 

 BEWARE default min perusal interval is 1000 secs, so this phase could take many minutes 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:19:19
===> Ended  : 16:48:50
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702161919.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu  -d 3 -l -t 6 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 6: Submit a perusal job 

 BEWARE default min perusal interval is 1000 secs, so this phase could take many minutes 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:19:50
===> Ended  : 17:14:07
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702161950.log


[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-delegation-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test delegation operation 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Check --autm-delegation option 

 Test 2: Check --delegationid option 

 Test 3: Try to delegate with a short proxy and check the validity 

 Test 4: Works with expired proxy 

===> Test: WMS-delegation-test.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:25:04
===> Ended  : 16:26:19
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702162504.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-delegation-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test delegation operation 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Check --autm-delegation option 

 Test 2: Check --delegationid option 

 Test 3: Try to delegate with a short proxy and check the validity 

 Test 4: Works with expired proxy 

===> Test: WMS-delegation-test.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:25:25
===> Ended  : 16:26:37
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702162525.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-delegation-test.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test delegation operation 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Check --autm-delegation option 

 Test 2: Check --delegationid option 

 There are other two tests which require the user proxy password. Use -i option to enable them 

===> Test: WMS-delegation-test.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:26:03
===> Ended  : 16:26:08
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702162603.log

Job list-match

without data

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:37:45
===> Ended  : 16:37:54
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702163745.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:38:08
===> Ended  : 16:38:20
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702163808.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:38:29
===> Ended  : 16:38:36
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702163829.log

with data

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ export LFC_HOST=prod-lfc-shared-central.cern.ch
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-lr --vo dteam lfn:/grid/dteam/fcapanni/PI_1M.txt
The two SEs where the file can be found are gridsrm.pi.infn.it and srm-public.cern.ch.

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ cat JDLs/data-req.jdl 
#      JDL with Data Requirements         #

Executable = "/bin/ls";
Arguments = "-la";
StdOutput = "std.out";
StdError = "std.err";
Prologue = "prologue.sh";

FuzzyRank = true;
Environment={"LFC_HOST=prod-lfc-shared-central.cern.ch", "LFC_HOME=prod-lfc-shared-central.cern.ch:/grid/dteam/aleph"};
InputSandbox = {"JDLs/prologue.sh"};
OutputSandbox = {"std.out", "std.err","prologue.out", "PI_1M.txt"};

DataRequirements = {
DataCatalogType = "DLI";
DataCatalog ="http://prod-lfc-shared-central.cern.ch:8085/"; 
InputData = { "lfn:/grid/dteam/fcapanni/PI_1M.txt" };

DataAccessProtocol = "gsiftp";
RetryCount = 1;
ShallowRetryCount = 2;

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ glite-wms-job-list-match -a -c ~/wms_emi-demo12.conf JDLs/data-req.jdl

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server


 The following CE(s) matching your job requirements have been found:

 - ce204.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_2nh_dteam
 - ce204.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_dteam
 - ce205.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_2nh_dteam
 - ce205.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_dteam
 - ce207.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_2nh_dteam
 - ce207.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_dteam
 - gridce4.pi.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-certmpi
 - gridce0.pi.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-cert
 - gridce1.pi.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert
 - gridce2.pi.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert
 - gridce3.pi.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-certmpi


In order to verify that these CEs are close to the above SEs:

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam closeSE|grep -A 5 ce204
Name of the CE: ce204.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_2nh_dteam

Name of the CE: ce204.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_dteam

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam closeSE|grep -A 5 ce205
Name of the CE: ce205.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_2nh_dteam

Name of the CE: ce205.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_dteam

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam closeSE|grep -A 5 ce207
Name of the CE: ce207.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_2nh_dteam

Name of the CE: ce207.cern.ch:8443/cream-lsf-grid_dteam

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam closeSE|grep -A 5 gridce4.pi.infn.it
Name of the CE: gridce4.pi.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-certmpi

Name of the CE: gridgate.cp.dias.ie:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-test

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam closeSE|grep -A 5 gridce0.pi.infn.it
Name of the CE: gridce0.pi.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-cert

Name of the CE: gridce01.ifca.es:8443/cream-sge-sgm
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam closeSE|grep -A 5 gridce1.pi.infn.it
Name of the CE: gridce1.pi.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert

Name of the CE: gridce2.pi.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam closeSE|grep -A 5 gridce2.pi.infn.it
Name of the CE: gridce2.pi.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert

Name of the CE: gridce3.pi.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-certmpi

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam closeSE|grep -A 5 gridce3.pi.infn.it
Name of the CE: gridce3.pi.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-certmpi

Name of the CE: gridce4.pi.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-certmpi

===> Test PASSED


[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ cat gang.jdl 
SErequirements = anyMatch(other.storage.CloseSEs, target.GlueSAStateAvailableSpace > 20);
//SErequirements = true;
CErequirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production" && other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= 2;
requirements = CErequirements && SErequirements;
outputsandbox={"out3.out", "err2.err", "ls.sh", "a"};

[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ glite-wms-job-list-match -a -c ~/wms_emi-demo12.conf gang.jdl

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server


 The following CE(s) matching your job requirements have been found:

 - cccreamceli05.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-long
 - cccreamceli05.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-medium
 - cccreamceli05.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-short
 - cccreamceli06.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-long
 - cccreamceli06.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-medium
 - cccreamceli06.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-short
 - cccreamceli09.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-long
 - cccreamceli09.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-medium
 - cccreamceli09.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-short
 - cmsce01.na.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-cert
 - cmsrm-cream02.roma1.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-cmsgcert
 - unict-dmi-ce-01.ct.pi2s2.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert
 - unime-ce-01.me.pi2s2.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert
 - virgo-ce.roma1.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-cert
 - cmsrm-ce01.roma1.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cmsgcert
 - cmsrm-ce02.roma1.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cmsgcert
 - cmsrm-cream01.roma1.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-cmsgcert
 - cccreamceli10.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-long
 - cccreamceli10.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-medium
 - cccreamceli10.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-short
 - inaf-ce-01.ct.pi2s2.it:8443/cream-lsf-cert


[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ lcg-infosites closeSE|grep -A 5 cccreamceli05
Name of the CE: cccreamceli05.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-long

Name of the CE: cccreamceli05.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-medium

Name of the CE: cccreamceli05.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-short

Name of the CE: cccreamceli06.in2p3.fr:8443/cream-sge-long

[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ lcg-infosites se |egrep 'Avail|ccsrm.in2p3.fr'
 Avail Space(kB)  Used Space(kB)  Type    SE
     12730125753      2302259783  SRM     ccsrm.in2p3.fr

[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ lcg-infosites closeSE|grep -A 5 cmsrm-ce01
Name of the CE: cmsrm-ce01.roma1.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cmsgcert

Name of the CE: cmsrm-ce02.roma1.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cmsgcert

[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ lcg-infosites se |egrep 'Avail|cmsrm-se01.roma1.infn.it'
 Avail Space(kB)  Used Space(kB)  Type    SE
            1000          999999  SRM     cmsrm-se01.roma1.infn.it

[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ lcg-infosites se |egrep 'Avail|cmsrm-se01.roma1.infn.it'
 Avail Space(kB)  Used Space(kB)  Type    SE
            1000          999999  SRM     cmsrm-se01.roma1.infn.it
[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ lcg-infosites closeSE|grep -A 5 unict-dmi-ce-01
Name of the CE: unict-dmi-ce-01.ct.pi2s2.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert

Name of the CE: unime-ce-01.me.pi2s2.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert

[capannini@cert-17 certification]$ lcg-infosites se |egrep 'Avail|unict-dmi-se-01.ct.pi2s2.it'
 Avail Space(kB)  Used Space(kB)  Type    SE
     12512874596      6164874393  SRM     unict-dmi-se-01.ct.pi2s2.it
===> Test PASSED

Prologue epilogue jobs

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-prologue-epilogue.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS test prologue and epilogue attributes 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Test prologue attribute 

 Test 2: Test epilogue attribute 

 Test 3: Test prologue and epilogue attributes 

===> Test: WMS-prologue-epilogue.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:43:13
===> Ended  : 18:01:31
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702174313.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-prologue-epilogue.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS test prologue and epilogue attributes 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Test prologue attribute 

 Test 2: Test epilogue attribute 

 Test 3: Test prologue and epilogue attributes 

===> Test: WMS-prologue-epilogue.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:44:46
===> Ended  : 18:18:40
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120702174446.log

Shallow and deep resubmission

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-resubmit.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Resubmission Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try a shallow resubmission 

 Test 2: Try a deep resubmission 

===> Test: WMS-job-resubmit.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 10:12:27
===> Ended  : 10:21:38
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120703101227.log
[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-resubmit.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Resubmission Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try a shallow resubmission 

 Test 2: Try a deep resubmission 

===> Test: WMS-job-resubmit.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 10:12:47
===> Ended  : 10:56:42
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120703101247.log


[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cancel.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Cancel Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try to cancel a normal job 

 Test 2: Try to cancel a DAG job 

 Test 3: Try to cancel one node of a DAG job 

 Test 4: Try to cancel a collection job 

 Test 5: Try to cancel one node of a collection job 

 Test 6: Try to cancel a parametric job 

 Test 7: Try to cancel one node of a parametric job 

 Test 8: Try to cancel a MPI job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cancel.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:46:25
===> Ended  : 15:34:29
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120703144625.log

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-job-cancel.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Cancel Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Try to cancel a normal job 

 Test 2: Try to cancel a DAG job 

 Test 3: Try to cancel one node of a DAG job 

 Test 4: Try to cancel a collection job 

 Test 5: Try to cancel one node of a collection job 

 Test 6: Try to cancel a parametric job 

 Test 7: Try to cancel one node of a parametric job 

 Test 8: Try to cancel a MPI job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cancel.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:33:22
===> Ended  : 14:48:32
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120703143322.log

Limiter mechanism

[capannini@cert-17 WMS-service]$ python WMS-limiter-mechanism.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -t 1,4,6-10
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Limiter Mechanism 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Test option --load1 threshold for load average (1 min) 

 Test 4: Test option --memusage threshold for memory usage (%) 

 Test 6: Test option --ftpconn threshold for number of FTP connections 

 Test 7: Test option --diskusage threshold for disk usage (%) 

===> Test: WMS-limiter-mechanism.py
===> WMS: emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 10:26:56
===> Ended  : 10:27:09
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20120904102656.log

SandboxDir cron purger

The purge of the SandBox dir is done by a cron job

- Submit a job and force its purge before it finishes:

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -c wms_emi-demo12.conf ls.jdl 

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/QSigtrL4194pLBHNMqhP4A

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/QSigtrL4194pLBHNMqhP4A
Current Status:     Scheduled 
Status Reason:      unavailable
Destination:        cream-23.pd.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-creamcert2
Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 10:59:34 2012 CEST

[root@emi-demo12 ~]# su - glite
-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/QS/ -s
04 Sep, 11:00:50 -I: [Info] operator()(/home/condor/execute/dir_26089/userdir/emi.wms.wms-purger/build/../src/purger.cpp:447): https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/QSigtrL4194pLBHNMqhP4A: removed DONE job

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/QSigtrL4194pLBHNMqhP4A

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/QSigtrL4194pLBHNMqhP4A
Current Status:     Cleared 
Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
Destination:        cream-23.pd.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-creamcert2
Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 10:59:34 2012 CEST

===>  Test PASSED

- Purge a done job:

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -c wms_emi-demo12.conf ls.jdl 

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WM0yTCgT1sL3ps_onr385Q

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WM0yTCgT1sL3ps_onr385Q
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Logged Reason(s):
    - job completed
    - Job Terminated Successfully
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job Terminated Successfully
Destination:        cream-23.pd.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-creamcert1
Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 11:07:10 2012 CEST

-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/WM/ -s
04 Sep, 11:09:29 -I: [Info] operator()(/home/condor/execute/dir_26089/userdir/emi.wms.wms-purger/build/../src/purger.cpp:447): https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WM0yTCgT1sL3ps_onr385Q: removed DONE job

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WM0yTCgT1sL3ps_onr385Q

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WM0yTCgT1sL3ps_onr385Q
Current Status:     Cleared 
Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
Destination:        cream-23.pd.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-creamcert1
Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 11:07:10 2012 CEST

===> Test PASSED

- Purge only jobs older than 12 hours:

-bash-3.2$ find /var/SandboxDir/ -maxdepth 2 -type d -cmin +720


Try to purge:

-bash-3.2$ date
Tue Sep  4 11:17:35 CEST 2012
-bash-3.2$ ls -l /var/SandboxDir/jb
total 4
drwxrwx--- 5 dteam029 glite 4096 Sep  3 16:18 https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fjbsoQ_5fF1VpagrswsS8JhHg
-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/jb/ -t 43200
04 Sep, 11:14:36 -I: [Info] operator()(/home/condor/execute/dir_26089/userdir/emi.wms.wms-purger/build/../src/purger.cpp:447): https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/jbsoQ_F1VpagrswsS8JhHg: removed DONE job
-bash-3.2$ ls -l /var/SandboxDir/jb
total 0
-bash-3.2$ ls -l /var/SandboxDir/vV
total 4
drwxrwx--- 5 dteam029 glite 4096 Sep  3 15:26 https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fvVZ_5f48PHzcMXys5kowuVuQ
-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/vV/ -t 43200
04 Sep, 11:15:00 -I: [Info] operator()(/home/condor/execute/dir_26089/userdir/emi.wms.wms-purger/build/../src/purger.cpp:447): https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/vVZ_48PHzcMXys5kowuVuQ: removed DONE job
-bash-3.2$ ls -l /var/SandboxDir/vV
total 0

Find some directories that should not be purged:

-bash-3.2$ find /var/SandboxDir/ -maxdepth 2 -type d -cmin -240

Try to purge:

-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/Xj -t 43200
-bash-3.2$ ls -l /var/SandboxDir/Xj
total 4
drwxrwx--- 5 dteam029 glite 4096 Sep  4 11:20 https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fXjgbCyZA6eTGY5f34UjiQA
-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/q4 -t 43200
-bash-3.2$ ls -l /var/SandboxDir/q4
total 4
drwxrwx--- 5 dteam029 glite 4096 Sep  4 11:21 https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fq4v9zd1tYlknSt4t-OPrsg

===> Test PASSED

- Purge a job whose proxy is already expired

-bash-3.2$ openssl x509 -in /var/SandboxDir/Tw/https_3a_2f_2femi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it_3a9000_2fTwgaZHG4ja2Y7MeXRpZ2zA/user.proxy -noout -dates
notBefore=Aug 31 12:49:16 2012 GMT
notAfter=Sep  1 10:21:16 2012 GMT

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/TwgaZHG4ja2Y7MeXRpZ2zA

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/TwgaZHG4ja2Y7MeXRpZ2zA
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Logged Reason(s):
    - reason=127
    - Job terminated successfully
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job terminated successfully
Destination:        cream-26.pd.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-creamtest1
Submitted:          Fri Aug 31 14:54:16 2012 CEST

-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/Tw
04 Sep, 11:56:41 -I: [Info] operator()(/home/condor/execute/dir_26089/userdir/emi.wms.wms-purger/build/../src/purger.cpp:447): https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/TwgaZHG4ja2Y7MeXRpZ2zA: removed DONE job

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/TwgaZHG4ja2Y7MeXRpZ2zA

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/TwgaZHG4ja2Y7MeXRpZ2zA
Current Status:     Cleared 
Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
Destination:        cream-26.pd.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-creamtest1
Submitted:          Fri Aug 31 14:54:16 2012 CEST

===> Test PASSED

- Purge a dag job:

[capannini@cert-17 dag]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -c ~/wms_emi-demo12.conf dag.jdl 

Connecting to the service https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[capannini@cert-17 dag]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 dag]$ 
[capannini@cert-17 dag]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/gcPAsY6VwXNYNiOP180HjQ

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/gcPAsY6VwXNYNiOP180HjQ
Current Status:     Running 
Status Reason:      unavailable
Destination:        dagman
Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST

- Nodes information for: 
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/Wl_LHlXeQ30cNKvlh54ZXQ
    Current Status:     Submitted 
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/g21NNTFn9kKtWS6n6t5FDA
    Current Status:     Running 
    Status Reason:      Job successfully submitted to Globus
    Destination:        argoce01.na.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-cert
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/gOM58SscVwT-QkSkZUk16g
    Current Status:     Submitted 
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/ktipRb9idvrLxLcTXYri-w
    Current Status:     Submitted 
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/sjssA8utmafm14mBPg71tg
    Current Status:     Submitted 
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST

-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/glite-wms-purgeStorage.sh -p /var/SandboxDir/gc -s
04 Sep, 12:11:55 -I: [Info] operator()(/home/condor/execute/dir_26089/userdir/emi.wms.wms-purger/build/../src/purger.cpp:354): https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/gcPAsY6VwXNYNiOP180HjQ: 5/5 nodes removed
04 Sep, 12:11:55 -I: [Info] operator()(/home/condor/execute/dir_26089/userdir/emi.wms.wms-purger/build/../src/purger.cpp:366): https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/gcPAsY6VwXNYNiOP180HjQ: removed RUNNING dag 

[capannini@cert-17 dag]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/gcPAsY6VwXNYNiOP180HjQ

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/gcPAsY6VwXNYNiOP180HjQ
Current Status:     Cleared 
Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
Destination:        dagman
Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST

- Nodes information for: 
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/Wl_LHlXeQ30cNKvlh54ZXQ
    Current Status:     Cleared 
    Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/g21NNTFn9kKtWS6n6t5FDA
    Current Status:     Cleared 
    Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
    Destination:        argoce01.na.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-cert
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/gOM58SscVwT-QkSkZUk16g
    Current Status:     Cleared 
    Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/ktipRb9idvrLxLcTXYri-w
    Current Status:     Cleared 
    Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST
    Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/sjssA8utmafm14mBPg71tg
    Current Status:     Cleared 
    Status Reason:      timed out, resource purge forced
    Submitted:          Tue Sep  4 12:02:54 2012 CEST

===> Test PASSED

Regression tests

Bugs attached to the task

bug #92657: some sensible information should be logged on syslog Fix certified

Submitting a job to emi-demo12:
[root@emi-demo12 ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages|egrep "wmproxy|manager"
Jun 29 11:02:44 emi-demo12 glite_wms_wmproxy_server[1901]: submission from cert-17.cnaf.infn.it, DN=/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini, FQAN=/dteam/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL, userid=18705 for jobid=https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WRz5e73vqS_RobvGQeDI1g
Jun 29 11:02:46 emi-demo12 glite-wms-workload_manager: jobid https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WRz5e73vqS_RobvGQeDI1g was matched to destination prod-ce-02.pd.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cert

bug #92742: submission to ARC broken again Fix certified

See ARC CE section.

bug #92922: EMI-1 WMS does not propagate user job exit code Fix certified

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ cat touch.jdl 
Executable = "/bin/touch" ; 
Arguments = "/foo" ; 
Retrycount = 2; 
usertags = [ exe = "touch" ]; 
requirements = ! RegExp("cream.*", other.GlueCEUniqueID); 

[capannini@cert-17 ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/-fsmLpeNqrNVwSkXj1aBBw

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:9000/-fsmLpeNqrNVwSkXj1aBBw
Current Status:     Done (Exit Code !=0)
Exit code:          1
Status Reason:      Warning: job exit code != 0
Destination:        virgo-ce.roma1.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-cert
Submitted:          Fri Jun 29 11:09:07 2012 CEST

bug #92924: Condor gridmanager keeps crashing on wrong assertions about some ldap attributes ordering Fix certified

[cristofori@ui ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -e 
https://emi-demo12.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server -a -r 
korundi.grid.helsinki.fi:2811/nordugrid-GE-mgrid firsttest.jdl

Connecting to the service 

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



[root@emi-demo12 ~]# grep STARTING 
/var/local/condor/log/GridmanagerLog.glite |tail
06/28 19:43:07 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/28 21:43:43 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/28 23:44:14 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/29 01:44:36 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/29 03:45:05 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/29 05:45:36 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/29 07:45:58 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/29 09:46:26 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/29 11:46:59 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP
06/29 13:47:30 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP

[root@emi-demo12 ~]# locate grid_monitor.sh|xargs  ls -lu
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 42728 Jun  6 17:44 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 41918 Jun 29 11:09 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    29 Jun 29 15:26 /usr/sbin/grid_monitor.sh -> 

[root@emi-demo12 ~]# date
ven giu 29 15:31:09 CEST 2012

bug #93673: In some circumstances ICE's threads can block Fix not certified

-- CristinaAiftimiei - 2012-06-19

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120625152737.log manage 6.0 K 2012-06-25 - 14:01 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120625155722.log manage 16.8 K 2012-06-25 - 14:27 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120625160558.log manage 47.7 K 2012-06-25 - 14:48 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120625161637.log manage 53.9 K 2012-06-25 - 15:16 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120625172213.log manage 8.8 K 2012-06-25 - 15:37 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120628172415.log manage 51.8 K 2012-06-29 - 08:41 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120703143422.log manage 98.3 K 2012-07-03 - 14:15 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20120904102656.log manage 17.4 K 2012-09-04 - 08:35 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz all.tgz manage 11.4 K 2012-06-28 - 15:21 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz cancel.tgz manage 8.7 K 2012-07-03 - 13:54 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz coll.tgz manage 8.9 K 2012-06-28 - 12:37 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog config.log manage 9.1 K 2012-06-28 - 10:31 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog config1.log manage 8.5 K 2012-06-28 - 14:49 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog configure.log manage 6.1 K 2012-06-25 - 10:06 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz dag.tgz manage 13.4 K 2012-07-02 - 10:32 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz deleg.tgz manage 1.9 K 2012-07-02 - 14:29 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog install.log manage 123.3 K 2012-06-28 - 10:04 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz listmatch.tgz manage 1.5 K 2012-07-02 - 14:42 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz perusal.tgz manage 3.5 K 2012-07-02 - 15:27 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz prolo.tgz manage 4.9 K 2012-07-03 - 08:01 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz resub.tgz manage 4.6 K 2012-07-03 - 09:25 FabioCapannini  
Unknown file formatlog update.log manage 17.0 K 2012-06-28 - 13:39 FabioCapannini  
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Topic revision: r27 - 2012-09-04 - CristinaAiftimiei
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