WMS v. 3.5 (SL6) test report


  • Component: WMS 3.5

  • ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi-wms_R_3_5_0

  • VCS Tag:

  • EMI Major Release: EMI 3

  • Platform: SL6/x86_64 + EPEL

  • Outcome: Ongoing

Deployment Tests

Clean installation -

Unit Tests -

  • Report available at [[][WMS 3.5 unit tests]]

Basic Functionality tests


Normal - PASSED

$  python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 1 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 1: Submit a normal job - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:57:09
===> Ended  : 14:58:20
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130215145709.log

Proxy Mode - PASSED
$  python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 1 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 1: Submit a normal job - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:14:46
===> Ended  : 15:16:24
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130215151446.log

Jdl attributes - FAILED
Test 4 fails because lxbra1910.cern.ch is not published in the top bdii.
$ python WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i -t 1,2,4,5,6,7
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle for normal job with non default jdl files 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Jdl with AllowZippedISB - CE_CREAM 

===> ERROR: Message Archiving the ISB files not found

 Test 2: Jdl with ExpiryTime 

 Test 4: Jdl with DataRequirements 

===> ERROR: Command lfc-mkdir /grid/testers.eu-emi.eu/20130219133021 failed. Failure message: cannot create /grid/testers.eu-emi.eu/20130219133021: Could not secure the connection

 Test 5: Jdl with InputSandboxBaseURI 

 Test 5: Jdl with InputSandboxBaseURI - CE_CREAM 

 Test 6: Jdl with OutputSandboxBaseDestURI 

 Test 6: Jdl with OutputSandboxBaseDestURI - CE_CREAM 

 Test 7: Jdl with OutputSandboxDestURI 

 Test 7: Jdl with OutputSandboxDestURI - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 13:30:21
===> Ended  : 13:40:47
===>     >>> TEST FAILED <<<
===>  >>> failure reason: 2 test(s) fail(s): ['Test 1: Jdl with AllowZippedISB', 'Test 4: Jdl with DataRequirements'] <<< 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130219133021.log
===> Error messages have been written in /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130219133021/errors.log
===>  Test directory /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130219133021 has not been cleaned for debug purpose


Bulk submission - PASSED
$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 2 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 2: Submit a bulk of jobs - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:54:41
===> Ended  : 16:55:52
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130215165441.log

All in a jdl - PASSED
$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 7 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 7: Submit a bulk of jobs using a single jdl with al the jdls of nodes - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:00:14
===> Ended  : 17:01:57
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130215170014.log

Parametric job - PASSED

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 3 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 3: Submit a parametric job - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:17:01
===> Ended  : 17:19:18
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130215171701.log


$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 4 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 4: Submit a DAG job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:23:27
===> Ended  : 17:33:46
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130215172327.log

Parallel job - PASSED

# cat wms_emitestbed44.conf
WmsClient = [
OutputStorage=  "/tmp";
#requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production";
RetryCount = 0;
WMProxyEndPoints = {"https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server"};
rank = -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime;

# cat mpijob.jdl
### Submit parallel job 2 CPUs
### Job to be submitted:
Executable = "/usr/bin/mpi-start";
CPUNumber  = 2;
Arguments  = "-t dummy -- counter.sh cpus 2";
InputSandbox = {"counter.sh"};
OutputSandbox = {"std.out", "std.err"};
StdOutput = "std.out";
StdError = "std.err";
Requirements = member("MPI-START", other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment)
               && other.GlueCEInfoJobManager == "pbs";

$ glite-wms-job-submit -a -c wms_emitestbed44.conf mpijob.jdl

Connecting to the service https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



$  glite-wms-job-status https://emitbrc-lamb4.civ.zcu.cz:9000/Q2dNhH-vwdk1FBxeyp1w5w

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://emitbrc-lamb4.civ.zcu.cz:9000/Q2dNhH-vwdk1FBxeyp1w5w
Current Status:     Done(Success)
Logged Reason(s):
    - job completed
    - Job Terminated Successfully
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job Terminated Successfully
Destination:        emitestbed29.cnaf.infn.it:8443/cream-pbs-demo
Submitted:          Mon Feb 18 11:42:05 2013 CET

Forwarding parameters for parallel jobs - PASSED
Test 4 fails because there are no compatible resources.
$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 8 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 8: Testing forwarding parameters for parallel jobs  Case 1 - CE_CREAM 

 Set 8: Testing forwarding parameters for parallel jobs Case 2 - CE_CREAM 

 Set 8: Testing forwarding parameters for parallel jobs Case 3  - CE_CREAM 

 Set 8: Testing forwarding parameters for parallel jobs Case 4 - CE_CREAM 

===> ERROR: Command glite-wms-job-logging-info -v 2 --event Transfer https://emitbrc-lamb4.civ.zcu.cz:9000/bnhcXU2AzUBuJJUtGuVXpA failed. Failure message: **** Warning: API_NATIVE_ERROR ****  
Error while calling the "Eve::queryEvents" native api 
Unable to retrieve any status information from: emitbrc-lamb4.civ.zcu.cz: glite.lb.Exception: edg_wll_QueryEvents: No such file or directory: no matching events found
   at glite::lb::ServerConnection::queryEvents[./src/ServerConnection.cpp:848]

**** Warning: API_NATIVE_ERROR ****  
Error while calling the "Eve::queryEvents" native api 
Unable to retrieve any matching information for jobid: https://emitbrc-lamb4.civ.zcu.cz:9000/bnhcXU2AzUBuJJUtGuVXpA

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 11:27:18
===> Ended  : 12:03:22
===>     >>> TEST FAILED <<<
===>  >>> failure reason: 1 test(s) fail(s): ['Set 8: Testing forwarding parameters for parallel jobs'] <<< 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130219112718.log
===> Error messages have been written in /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130219112718/errors.log
===>  Test directory /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130219112718 has not been cleaned for debug purpose

Perusal - PASSED

$ python WMS-job-cycle.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 6 -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test a complete job cycle: from submission to get output 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Set 6: Submit a perusal job - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-cycle.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:23:54
===> Ended  : 12:58:11
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218122354.log

Delegation - PASSED

Test 4 fails because the failure message has changed. Now it is 'Proxy exception: the proxy has expired'.
$ python WMS-delegation-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: Test delegation operation 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Check --autm-delegation option 

 Test 2: Check --delegationid option 

 Test 3: Try to delegate with a short proxy and check the validity 

 Test 4: Works with expired proxy 

===> ERROR: TEST FAILS. Job has been submitted with the expired delegation

 To run this test you have to set the ROLE attribute for user proxy role at configuration file 

===> Test: WMS-delegation-test.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 12:16:33
===> Ended  : 12:17:42
===>     >>> TEST FAILED <<<
===>  >>> failure reason: 1 test(s) fail(s): ['Test 4: Works with expired proxy'] <<< 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130219121633.log
===> Error messages have been written in /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130219121633/errors.log
===>  Test directory /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130219121633 has not been cleaned for debug purpose

List-match - PASSED

$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

 Test 7: try a matching with data requirements 

 Test 8: try a gang-matching 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:39:45
===> Ended  : 14:40:06
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218143945.log

$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

 Test 7: try a matching with data requirements 

 Test 8: try a gang-matching 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:43:06
===> Ended  : 14:43:28
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218144306.log

[bertocco@emitestbed16 WMS-service]$ myproxy-init -d
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
Creating proxy ....................................................................................... Done
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Mon Feb 25 14:52:04 2013
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco now exists on emitb2.ics.muni.cz.
[bertocco@emitestbed16 WMS-service]$ myproxy-logon -d --voms testers.eu-emi.eu
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
Contacting  emitestbed01.cnaf.infn.it:15002 [/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/CN=emitestbed01.cnaf.infn.it] "testers.eu-emi.eu" Done
Creating proxy ........................................................................................................ Done

Your proxy is valid until Tue Feb 19 02:50:28 2013
A credential has been received for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco in /tmp/x509up_u509.
[bertocco@emitestbed16 WMS-service]$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
type      : proxy
strength  : 2048 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u509
timeleft  : 11:57:50
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO testers.eu-emi.eu extension information ===
VO        : testers.eu-emi.eu
subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Sara Bertocco
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/CN=emitestbed01.cnaf.infn.it
attribute : /testers.eu-emi.eu/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:57:50
uri       : emitestbed01.cnaf.infn.it:15002

$ python WMS-listmatch-test.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job ListMatch Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: check if glite-wms-job-list-match command exists 

 Test 2: test a simple matching 

 Test 3: check --delegationid option 

 Test 4: exclude a CE from the match 

 Test 5: try a failure matching (Requirements == false) 

 Test 6: try a matching with EnableWMSFeedback attribute true 

 Test 7: try a matching with data requirements 

 Test 8: try a gang-matching 

===> Test: WMS-listmatch-test.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:52:44
===> Ended  : 14:53:03
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218145244.log

Prologue and epilogue jobs - FAILED

$ python WMS-prologue-epilogue.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS test prologue and epilogue attributes 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Test prologue attribute - CE_CREAM 

===> ERROR: TEST FAILS. Job finishes with status: Done(Success) cannot retrieve output

 Test 2: Test epilogue attribute - CE_CREAM 

===> ERROR: TEST FAILS. Job finishes with status: Done(Success) cannot retrieve output

 Test 3: Test prologue and epilogue attributes - CE_CREAM 

===> ERROR: TEST FAILS. Job finishes with status: Done(Success) cannot retrieve output
===> Test: WMS-prologue-epilogue.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 14:23:06
===> Ended  : 14:28:48
===>     >>> TEST FAILED <<<
===>  >>> failure reason: 3 test(s) fail(s): ['Test 1: Test prologue attribute', 'Test 2: Test epilogue attribute', 'Test 3: Test prologue and epilogue attributes'] <<< 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130219142306.log
===> Error messages have been written in /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/c
===>  Test directory /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130219142306 has not been cleaned for debug purpose

Shallow and deep resubmission - PASSED

$ python WMS-job-resubmit.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Resubmission Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try a shallow resubmission - CE_CREAM 

 Test 2: Try a deep resubmission - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-resubmit.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:10:53
===> Ended  : 15:23:07
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218151053.log

$ python WMS-job-resubmit.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Resubmission Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try a shallow resubmission - CE_CREAM 

 Test 2: Try a deep resubmission - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-resubmit.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:25:17
===> Ended  : 15:40:02
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218152517.log

$ python WMS-job-resubmit.py -c wms-command.conf -d 3 -l
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Resubmission Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 1: Try a shallow resubmission - CE_CREAM 

 Test 2: Try a deep resubmission - CE_CREAM 

===> Test: WMS-job-resubmit.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 15:28:53
===> Ended  : 15:42:37
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218152853.log

Cancel - PASSED

Cancel operation sometimes fail. It is due to the testsuite implementation: the test waits that the job is in a final status for a fixed period of time, if it is not in a final state after X time it fails. The right implementation should be "wait until a final status is riched and then try to cancel".
$ python WMS-job-cancel.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Cancel Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try to cancel a normal job 

 Test 2: Try to cancel a DAG job 

 Test 3: Try to cancel one node of a DAG job 

 Test 4: Try to cancel a collection job 

 Test 5: Try to cancel one node of a collection job 

===> ERROR: TEST FAILS. Job's https://emitbrc-lamb4.civ.zcu.cz:9000/c43G-mrOKhsJ4oXqoX19KQ status is wrong: Running

 Test 6: Try to cancel a parametric job 

 Test 7: Try to cancel one node of a parametric job 

 Test 8: Try to cancel a MPI job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cancel.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:16:31
===> Ended  : 16:35:56
===>     >>> TEST FAILED <<<
===>  >>> failure reason: 1 test(s) fail(s): ['Test 5: Try to cancel one node of a collection job'] <<< 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218161631.log
===> Error messages have been written in /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130218161631/errors.log
===>  Test directory /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130218161631 has not been cleaned for debug purpose

$ python WMS-job-cancel.py -c wms-command.conf -V dteam -d 3 -l  -i
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Job Cancel Testing 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter the user proxy password:

 Test 1: Try to cancel a normal job 

 Test 2: Try to cancel a DAG job 

 Test 3: Try to cancel one node of a DAG job 

 Test 4: Try to cancel a collection job 

 Test 5: Try to cancel one node of a collection job 

 Test 6: Try to cancel a parametric job 

 Test 7: Try to cancel one node of a parametric job 

===> ERROR: TEST FAILS. Job's https://emitbrc-lamb4.civ.zcu.cz:9000/1a9gSpo8WUBuVPz0wXmpIw status is wrong: Running

 Test 8: Try to cancel a MPI job 

===> Test: WMS-job-cancel.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 17:10:03
===> Ended  : 17:37:11
===>     >>> TEST FAILED <<<
===>  >>> failure reason: 1 test(s) fail(s): ['Test 7: Try to cancel one node of a parametric job'] <<< 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218171003.log
===> Error messages have been written in /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130218171003/errors.log
===>  Test directory /home/bertocco/WMS-Test-Suite-new/WMS-service/WMSService-Test_20130218171003 has not been cleaned for debug purpose

Proxy renewal -


Limiter mechanism -

Job purge - PASSED

$ python WMS-check-purger.py -c wms-command.conf -V testers.eu-emi.eu -d 3 -l -t 3
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
===> + TestSuite of the WMS Service                       
===> + Description: WMS Purge Mechanism 
===> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Test 3: Test proxy cache purging 

===> Test: WMS-check-purger.py
===> WMS: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it
===> Started: 16:23:43
===> Ended  : 16:23:48
===>     === test PASSED === 
===> Test log file is WMSService-TS_20130218162343.log

Configuration file - Skip

It does not exist a wms 3.5 configuration test

Feedback -

Performance test -

Stress test -

Results -

Regression tests

Bugs attached to this task


Standard Conformance Tests

Glue 1 Compliance -

Glue 2 Compliance

-- SaraBertocco - 2013-02-15

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130215145709.log manage 3.7 K 2013-02-15 - 14:14 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130215151446.log manage 4.4 K 2013-02-15 - 14:32 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130215165441.log manage 3.5 K 2013-02-15 - 15:58 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130215170014.log manage 4.2 K 2013-02-15 - 16:05 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130215171701.log manage 4.8 K 2013-02-15 - 16:23 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130215172327.log manage 16.2 K 2013-02-15 - 16:37 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130218122354.log manage 4.1 K 2013-02-18 - 12:04 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130218144306.log manage 7.5 K 2013-02-18 - 13:48 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130218145244.log manage 7.2 K 2013-02-18 - 14:07 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130218151053.log manage 21.1 K 2013-02-18 - 14:29 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130218152517.log manage 24.7 K 2013-02-18 - 14:42 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130218152853.log manage 23.0 K 2013-02-18 - 14:44 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-TS_20130218162343.log manage 23.2 K 2013-02-18 - 15:25 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-Test_20130218161631_errors.log manage 0.1 K 2013-02-18 - 15:45 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-Test_20130218171003_errors.log manage 0.1 K 2013-02-18 - 16:57 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-Test_20130219112718_errors.log manage 0.7 K 2013-02-19 - 11:24 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-Test_20130219133021_errors.log manage 0.4 K 2013-02-19 - 13:05 SaraBertocco  
Unknown file formatlog WMSService-Test_20130219142306_errors.log manage 0.4 K 2013-02-19 - 13:37 SaraBertocco  

This topic: IGIRelease > WebHome > IGIDocumentation > Documentation > IGIRelMan > IGITestCert > TestingWms > WMSTask34080 > WMSTask34080SL6
Topic revision: r6 - 2013-02-19 - SaraBertocco
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