-- AlessandroPaolini - 2011-04-13

In order to remove the monbox service, do the following operations:

  1. on GOC-DB change the MON status in not production, and turn off the monitorin
  2. delete glite-mon.repo from /etc/yum.repo.d/
  3. yum remove glite-MON ig_MON ig_GRIDICE
  4. yum remove gridice-config gridice-sensor gridice-lemon-sensors
  5. yum remove glite-rgma-server-servlet glite-rgma-base glite-rgma-api-python glite-rgma-servicetool glite-rgma-command-line glite-rgma-flexible-archiver glite-rgma-gin glite-rgma-standard-tables glite-rgma-api-c glite-rgma-api-java glite-rgma-api-cpp glite-rgma-stubs-servlet-java glite-rgma-glue-archiver
  6. from /opt/glite/etc/gip/provider delete the files: glite-info-provider-service-rgma-consumer-wrapper, glite-info-provider-service-rgma-primaryproducer-wrapper, glite-info-provider-service-rgma-secondaryproducer-wrapper
  7. from /opt/glite/etc/gip/ldif delete the file static-file-GRIDICE.ldif
  8. when you reconfigure the host with yaim, DO NOT specify ANY MORE the profile ig_MON
  9. when the service is disappeared from nagios, remove the MON service endpoint from GOC-DB
Topic revision: r2 - 2011-04-13 - AlessandroPaolini
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