Templates for the MailInContrib


This is a normal TWiki topic, but it is also a template file, as described in TWikiTemplates. It contains the template definitions used by the MailInContrib to insert mail messages in topics.

Each template is specified in the form of a pair of TWiki template definitions, (surrounded by verbatim tags below for readability). The template to use when inserting incoming mail in a topic is decided from the parameters in the <--MAIL--> comment in the topic. The default template is =normal.


%ATTACHMENTS% in the previous template will be expanded to a list of attachments that came in the mail. Each attachment in the list is formatted by the following template:



If you want to modify or add any templates, create the TWiki topic MailInContribUserTemplate. This topic is automatically included here if it exists, but it is not shipped with the MailInContrib. Any templates you define in MailInContribUserTemplate will override those defined here.


Topic revision: r0 - 2010-04-25 - TWikiContributor
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.MailInContribTemplate.