CE matchmaking statistics:

An histogram is plotted reporting the frequency at which a number of CE were matched. Clicking on a bar will expand the bin on another histogram. This is useful for example to understand how the grid is used, ex. jobs are sent to many CE, or only to a very limited, data driven, set. If zero CEs are always matched it is a good indicator that something bad is going on on that WMS instance.

Destination CE statistics:

Histograms reporting the frequency at which a CE host was used is plotted. The displayed CE number and the period to be considered are configurable parameters.

USERS statistics:

Histograms reporting Job statistics for the most active users are presented. The number of displayed users and the period to be considered are configurable parameters. This area is restricted for privacy reasons and visible to a configurable whitelist of WMSMon users identified by thei certificate DN (ask the WMSMonitor server administrator to fill your DN in the list to access these data).

Topic revision: r2 - 2009-01-29 - DaniloDongiovanni
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