Handover 2012-03-05
- INFN-MILANO-ATLASC isn't published accounting data, problem tracked into #12685 and #12954
tickets closed
- #12950 (GGUS 79819) - INFN-LECCE
- #12947 (GGUS 79806) - TRIGRID-INFN-CATANIA
tickets opened:
- #12956 (GGUS 79878) - GRISU-CYBERSAR-CAGLIARI: site disappeared, maybe network problems
- #12957 (GGUS 79879) - INFN-CAGLIARI: site disappeared, maybe network problems (closed)
Handover : 2012-03-12
- Ticket opened:
- #80135 - Hephy-Vienna: host certificate expired
- #79878 - GRISU-CYBERSAR-CAGLIARI: possible network problems. The site is in downtime
- #80046 - INFN-BARI: wms in draining for HW problems - Tickets closed:
- #80138 - INFN-MILANO-ATLAS: Cleaned up some logs in /var partition. Increased the compression rate and frequency of the biggest logs
- #80141 - SISSA-Trieste: Job submission problems
Handover : 19-03-2012
Open tickets:
(GGUS #80353) AREA-BO: bdii problem
Assigned TPM tickets: GGUS# 80354, #80355, #80358
Take a look at INFN-ROMA2: The WN-Rep-Cr alarm on grid013.roma2.infn.it needs
to be checked to understand if it is a temporary problem or not (maybe just a
wrong configured WN).
Handover: 2012-03-26
DGAS situations:
please keep an eye on:
days ago: 2012-03-07 ]
the downtime at cagliari is ending tonight, and so the hlr should begin to
publish accounting data, but who knows...
- GRISU-COMETA-UNIPA: WARN [ last published 8 days ago: 2012-03-17 ]
the downtime is ending tonight
tickets closed
- #13046 (GGUS 80546) - UNI-PERUGIA
- #13058 (GGUS 80597) - INFN-ROMA1-CMS: authorization problems
- #13052 (GRISU-COMETA-INFN-CT) network problems
- #13061 (INFN-BOLOGNA-T3) storm problems
- #13052 (GRISU-COMETA-INFN-CT) temporary network problem
- #13037 (INFN-MILANO-ATLASC) ce problems (t2-ce-02.mi.infn.it)
misconfiguration after downtime now they have problem on t2-ce-01.mi.infn.it
- #13055 (INFN-MILANO-ATLASC) se problems GPFS restarted
- #13050 (CIRMMP) temporary network unavailability
tickets opened:
- #13059 (GGUS 80598) - INFN-PARMA: STORM problems
- #13060 (GGUS 80599) - INFN-MILANO-ATLASC: STORM problems
- #13062 INFN-PISA: accounting data not published since 10 days
- #13049 (INFN-T1) test green, we are waiting for the solution (mail sent)
AlessandroPaolini - 2012-05-28