50 Recent Changes in WMS Web retrieved at 01:28 (GMT)

System Administrator Guide for WMS for EMI # Installation and configuration ## Prerequisites ### Operating System A standard x86 64 SL(C)5 distribution is supposed...
WMS UI 3.6.0 EMI3 Update7 pre certification report Basic functionality testing Testing instance at cream 08.pd.infn.it (SL6 x86 64). Deployed on 8th Jul. 2013 with...
WMS 3.6.0 EMI3 Update7 pre certification report I installed WMS EMI3 and upgraded with the new RPMs, which are all the affected packages: glite wms configuration...
Regression Tests #33342: separate retry policies for ISB and OSB Not implemented Description of the test. Of course we`re speaking of submission to the lcg CE,...
Extended Release Notes for EMI WMS 3.5.0 # Supported platforms Scientific Linux 5.x x86 64 Scientific Linux 6.x x86 64 # Major changes ## Enabled Argus based access...
WMS Test Plan NOTICE: missing tests: drain use of condor grid monitor.sh osb truncation: MaxOSBSize testing more LBs with `LBserver` as a vector...
WMS 3.5 pre certification report Basic functionality testing Testing instance at cream 08.pd.infn.it (SL6 x86 64). Deployed on Apr. 2013 root@cream 08 ~ # cat /etc...
EMI WMS best practices # Objective When using more WMS instances at one site, it is possible to coordinate them to obtain high availability and load balancing. This...
Extended Release Notes for WMS 3.4.0 1) Supported platforms 2) Major changes 2.1) GLUE2 purchasing and match making 2.1.1) Purchasing 2.1.2) Match making with...
WMS 3.4.1 EMI2 precertification report Testing server on: cream 51.pd.infn.it (SL5 64) First installed and configured a EMI2 UI. Then installed update to glite wms...
WMS 3.5 pre certification report Basic functionality testing Testing instance at devel09.cnaf.infn.it (SL5.8). Deployed on Jan, 31th, 2013 root@devel09 ~ # rpm...
WMS 3.5 units tests WMS UT 001: the LDAP helper functions are tested. Test ldap search in emi.wms.wms core/test WMS UT 002: the ISM purchaser modules for GLUE...
WMS UI 3.5 pre certification report Basic functionality testing WMS Server EMI 2 cream 23.pd.infn.it LBServer devel09.cnaf.infn.it Test WMS UI...
Tutorial on WMS build and debian package creation This tutorial assumes that you have GIT access to WMS repository https://github.com/MarcoCecchi/org.glite.wms...
Welcome to the WMS page What is the WMS The Workload Management System (WMS) is a software service of the gLite/EMI middleware which is responsible for distributing...
WMS 3.4 EMI2 precertification report Testing server on: devel09.cnaf.infn.it (SL5) and devel08.cnaf.infn.it (SL6) 17/7/2012 Using repository http://etics repository...
WMS 3.4 units tests WMS UT 001: the LDAP helper functions are tested. Test ldap search in emi.wms.wms ism/test mcecchi@devel08 emi.wms.wms ism $ ./build/test/ldap...
Proposal for developments on ICE component Title Details Aim Code restructuring More modularity and less inter dependency of the parts; in particular...
Testing rpm http://etics repository.cern.ch/repository/download/registered/emi/emi.wms.ice/3.3.5/sl5 x86 64 gcc412EPEL/glite wms ice 3.3.5 3.sl5.x86 64.rpm Verifying...
Pre certification of WMS 3.3.6 https://savannah.cern.ch/task/?27731 Repository http://etics repository.cern.ch/repository/pm/volatile/repomd/id/4d429a92 e1ae 42e...
ICE`s known issue related on Proxy Renewal This issue affects ICE when proxy renewal is activated by the specification of the MyProxyServer attribute in the submitted...
To verify the fix for the Vulnerability bug in ICE`s proxy renewal (Advisory SVG 2012 4073) I used the ICE RPM from http://etics repository.cern.ch/repository/download...
WMS test report Summary Component: WMS 3.3.6 Savannah task: 27731 AlviseDorigo 2012 05 17
Setup for a SL5 x86 64 EPEL build enviroment Requirements: Install SL5 x86 64 All extension, such as DAG or ATrpms, must be removed or disabled ( `rm...
WMS test report Summary Component: WMS 3.3.4 Savannah task: 22847 ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi wms R 3 3 6 3 emi jdl R 3 2 6 1...
WMS test report Summary Component: WMS 3.3.4 Savannah task: 22847 ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi wms R 3 3 6 3 emi jdl R 3 2 6 1...
Pre certification of WMS 3.3.5 https://savannah.cern.ch/task/?func detailitem item id 26837 Repo: name ETICS Repository of task 26837 1 baseurl http://etics repository...
The EMI WMS has been fully used in production environments, in particular in High Energy Physics, for more than five years now. The typical layout foresees deplyoment...
Differences in GACL based authorization in gLite and EMI WMS In gLite and EMI WMS releases (latest gLite version is 3.2.15, aka update 67, EMI versions are 3.3.0...
Authorization in the WMS with the GACL file In gLite 3.1 and EMI1 WMS, access control is implemented through a library provided by Gridsite, which uses a XML based...
WMS Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the WMS web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
M. Cecchi, F. Capannini, A. Dorigo, A. Ghiselli, F. Giacomini, A. Maraschini, M. Marzolla, S. Monforte, F. Pacini, L. Petronzio, F. Prelz, `The gLite Workload Management...
WMS Service Reference Card Daemons running WmProxy: /usr/sbin/httpd k start f /etc/glite wms/glite wms wmproxy httpd.conf \ /usr/sbin/httpd k start f...
# WMProxy Service ## About WMProxy WMProxy is a new component to access the EMI Workload Management System (WMS) . The need of such a component, besides adhering...
Nagios WMS probe Test WMS service with job submission to CEs.It is based on the library developed by the SAM team. Details about the command line parameters can be...
EMI 1 WMS Test Plan EMI Component Description and Version Please refer to the following resources: Description Reference Card Unit tests N/A Deployment tests Repository...
WMS Client Installation and Configuration To install the WMS client, please follow the EMI UI documentation: UI Client Installation and Configuration UI Documentation...
WMS test report Summary Component: WMS 3.3.3 Savannah task: 21777 ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi wms R 3 3 5 1 VCS Tag: glite wms...
Structure: bugs/ contains a python module for each bug. Each module it is necessary to have at least the run() method that implements all the required actions...
WMS test report Summary Component: WMS 3.3.1 1 Savannah task: 21060 ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi wms R TBD VCS Tag: TBD EMI...
WMS test report Summary Component: WMS 3.3.2 Savannah task: 20812 ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi wms R 3 3 4 1 VCS Tag: emi wmproxy...
WMS test report Summary Component: WMS 3.3.1 1 Savannah task: 21572 ETICS Subsystem Configuration Name: emi wms R 3 3 3 1 VCS Tag: emi ice...
WMS Service tests Package WMS service contains tests for automating functional testing of the WMS service. The main goal of available tests is to check the behavior...
WMS command line tests Package WMS cli contains tests for automating functional testing of the command line interface (CLI) of WMS service. The main goal of these...
WMS TEST SUITE Introduction The WMS test suite is a set of python scripts that interacts with the WMS command line tools in order to perform automatically several...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
There is also a discussion list on the gLite WMS: wms users AT lists DOT infn DOT it . Information about this mailing list is available here. MassimoSgaravatto...
To report problems or issues concerning the gLite WMS, the preferred way is to open a ticket. The relevant GGUS Support Unit is gLite WMS . You might also want to...
To contact the WMS support team, please send an e mail to wms support AT lists DOT infn DOT it . MassimoSgaravatto 2011 02 13
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